

8 - 10 Jul 2024: OPC Presentations

Hyun Min, JuHyeong, Sunghun present their works (2 orals, 1 poster) at the Optical Photonic Conference in Jeju.

24 Jun - 7 Jul 2024: MIT Visit

Eunji visits MIT and Harvard University for 2 weeks, funded by the GIST-MIT grant

24 Jul. 2024: New Group Member

Minseo joins our lab as a BS Intern (Semiconductor), welcome!

23 Jun - 26 Jul 2024: MPI Visit

Juhwan visits the University of Heidelberg and the Max Planck Insitute for Medical Research for a month to conduct our research collaboration, co-funded by NRF and DFG. 

18 Jun. 2024: NRF MS Fellowship

Jiyeong receives a national MS fellowship funded by NRF for 1 year, congrats!

17 Jul. 2024: New Group Member

Gyungmin joins our lab as a BS Intern (G-SURF), welcome!

2 May 2024: Research Highlight

Our work on active nanofilers is highlighted in the magazine, K-LIght, published by OSK (Optical Society of Korea)

1 May 2024: New Position Appointment

Jang-Hwan is appointed as a Research Assistant Professor at GIST.

30 Apr 2024: Media Coverage 

Our work on nanoparticle coating was highlighted in multiple media. 

24 Apr. 2024: NRF Research Grant

Our group receives the 3-yr natioinal research grant from NRF.

18 Apr 2024: Cover Article

Our paper on electrostatic nanoparticle assembly is highlighted as a frontispiece

27-29 Mar. 2024: KMEMS 2024

We presented our works (1 oral, 7 posters) at KMEMS and received 3 awards (1 oral, 2 posters).

25 Mar. 2024: 3rd Online mini-symposium

Hyeon-Ho attended the online mini-sypmosium for future international collaborations with UCL, Glasgow, Nankai.

27 Feb 2024: Media Coverage 

Our work on active nanofilers was highlighted in multiple media. 

26 Feb. 2024: New Group Member

Sunghun joins our lab as a BS Intern, welcome!

16 Feb. 2024: BS Graduation

Jiyeong receives her BS degree and starts her new journey in our lab as a MS/PhD student, congrats and welcome back!

16 Feb. 2024: MS Graduation

Jinkyeong receives her MS degree and starts a new journey, congrats and all the best!

Samsung Humantech Bronze Award

Gyurin, Doeun, and Juhwan received the Humantech Bronze Award from Samsung, congrats!

2 Feb 2024: Hyundai Grant

We receive a  new rearch grant, funded by Hyundai.

31 Jan 2024: Media Coverage 

Our works on GLAD were highlighted in multiple media. 

29 Jan - 25 Feb 2024: Heidelberg Visit

Jang-Hwan visits the University of Heidelberg and the Max Planck Insitute for Medical Research for a month to conduct our research collaboration, co-funded by NRF and DFG. 

24 Jan 2024: Cover Article

Our paper on plasmonic rotamer is highlighted as a front cover article.