Hyeon-Ho Jeong


Assistant Professor

Research Interests

Nanofabrication, Nanomaterials, Nanophotonics, Plasmonics, Metamaterials, Nanorobotics 


2017 PhD in Materials, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany & EPFL, Switzerland

2011 MEng in Electrical Engineering, Dankook University, Republic of Korea

2010 BEng in Electrical Engineering, Dankook University, Republic of Korea

Professional Experience

2023–present Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST), Department of Semiconductor Engineering, Republic of Korea

2021–2023 Korea University (KU), KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology, Republic of Korea

2020–present Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST), School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Republic of Korea

2018–2021 University of Cambridge, NanoPhotonics Centre, Cavendish Laboratory: Department of Physics, UK 

2012–2022 Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Group of Micro, Nano & Molecular Systems, Germany 

2011–2012 Seoul National University, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Republic of Korea

2009–2011 Dankook University, Group of Nano & Micro Systems, Republic of Korea

Honors & Awards

2022 GIST Achievement Award, GIST, Republic of Korea

2022 Faraday Division Horizon Prize, the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), UK

2017 1st Haebong Scholarship Award, the Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Germany (VeKNI)

2017 Graduate Student Award, 2017 European Material Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting, France

2016 Graduate Student Gold Award, Material Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, USA 

2012 Best Paper Award (poster section), 14th Korean Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (KMEMS), Republic of Korea

2011 Best Paper Award (poster section), Information and control symposium (ICS), Republic of Korea

2012–2017 Max Planck PhD fellowship (fully funded), Max Planck Society, Germany

Memberships & Activities

2022 – present Member, IEEE Photonics Society

2021 present Coordinator of Honam Chapter, Society of Micro and Nano Systems (SMNS)

2020 – present Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)

2020 – present Member,  Korean Physical Society (KPS)

2020 – present Member,  Society of Micro & Nano Systems (SMNS)

2017 – 2018 Member, European Material Research Society (EMRS)

2016 – 2018 Member, Material Research Society (MRS)

2012 – 2019 Member, the Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Germany (VeKNI)

Selected Publications


EC2105 Engineering Electromagnetics 1 2020 Spring, 2022 Spring

EC4214 Introduction to Photonics 2020 Fall, 2022 Fall, 2023 Fall

EC4308 Semiconductor Manufacturing Process 2022 Fall, 2023 Fall

EC5104 Theory of Semiconductor Devices 2021 Spring

EC6102 Optoelectronics 2021 Fall

EC6105 Semiconductor Device Processing 2022 Spring, 2023 Spring, 2024 Spring

Group photos during education

MEng @ DKU


PDRA @ Cambridge