PhD Position: Architected Materials for Functional Properties

Position: PhD candidate, Doctoral School of Nanotechnology, University of Trieste

Start date: November 1st, 2021

End date: October 31st, 2024

Application: applications normally open in May and close around the beginning of June, please check the Doctoral School Homepage of the University of Trieste in May 2021.

Project description: The PhD candidate will work on the identification, fabrication, and testing of architected nanostructures based on quantum dots, to engineer some functional material properties - most notably, the ability of promoting catalytic activity with a special focus on the photoreduction of CO2. The PhD candidate will have to learn and use a broad variety of fabrication techniques ranging from colloidal nanostructures to templating and self-assembly, and a range of standard and advanced material characterization techniques.

Ideal candidates should hold a MS or equivalent in materials science and/or engineering, chemistry, physics. However, all suitable profiles will be considered.