Can plastic cards be printed with personal printers?

You may print only the personal plastic cards with exclusive special printers. These may be leased, rented, or bought at printing businesses.

The card printers are:

1. Plastic cards print with Zebra ZC300

This Zebra ZC300 is printing on one and the two-sided plastic cards with the monochrome and color. The card printer is printing medium and small print runs in thrilling high quality.

2. Plastic card prints with a card printer 8600 matica xid

These Matica XID 8600 print plastic cards with the print resolution of about 600 dpi, there is also the security features and the processing of different card materials and the availability of card thickness.

3. Visitor ID-Card prints with a hid Fargo HDP5600

This HID Fargo HDP5600 Encoder and the Card Printer is the reliable, complete system on the visitor ID-cards. Retransferring of the printing process with the print resolution of the 600dpi!

Cleaning of the plastic cards before making the printing

The card printers are being set with internal cleaning devices, so-called the cleaning rollers or the cleaning tapes which are cleaning the cards from the dust, lint and some other surface influences just before printing in the thermal transfer, retransfer printing or sublimation, so that the image information may be applied without the interference. Nonetheless, it is suggested that the plastic cards will be loaded into a card printer with the cloth gloves just before printing, since the fat deposits on a card surface can influence its card printing.

What is this barcode?

A barcode is from the concept of a binary illustration of the information and it includes the optical conversions of the numeric code into a graphical element. These elements of the vertical strings of the many different widths and also among the white gaps) are being ordered in that way so that the scanner can be able to encode and read them. Therefore, a background of a barcode should be white, to allow the ideal reading with the scanner or the laser pistol.

Can I use the individual plastic card to be the business card?

Whether in the customer meetings, networking events or at the trade fairs, it is now the common practice to allocate the business cards into the wide world plus to also expand your personal collection. After this kind of event, your motto will be “out of sight and mind" – these gathered business cards ended up in the garbage or in a desk drawer. It is hard to assign a card to the person afterwards. Therefore, it is just simple to stand out in a crowd, but with the plastic cards you are leaving that lasting impression and standing out from a collection.

These are also more durable than the paper business cards since they are easy to clean and are even more resistant to any form of dirt. With the printing expert help, you can also rent or lease or buy your personal business card printer. The important trade fair will be coming up and in that final second you can notice that you have only some business cards left. With your own exclusive plastic cards printer, you can be able to rapidly reprint the business cards.