I made several wrappers to LAPACK, so I am basically familiar with the mechanism of calling Fortran based LAPACK programs from Julia. I would like to call now subroutines from another Fortran library (called SLICOT), which heavily relies on LAPACK and BLAS calls. I wonder if this is possible, relying on the already compiled LAPACK and BLAS codes used inside Julia. I would like to avoid compiling LAPACK and BLAS as separate libraries (which I guess would be possible).

Here 'library is the name of my library, say SLICOT, and function_nameis the name of the routine. But, I wonder how the internal calls to LAPACK are resolved and where the information on the Julia library "libopenblas64_" (which contains the LAPACK library routines in the directoryjulia\bin` on my Windows computer) can be provided.

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I am also interested in exactly the same library (namly SLICOT). But i just started to play around with wrapping of c/fortran libraries in julia. Can you please provide an Link to the information NICONET wants tp make the last version of SLICOT an open software under a MIT licence? Thanks in advance. Thanks also for the information already posted here.

Hi all, I am trying out VSCode (with Modern Fortran and IntelliSense extensions + fortran-language-server) to run some Fortran programs, but I am having difficulty setting things up. To speed things up and keep things organised, a large part of the Fortran code is compiled into a static library in a separate folder. Now when I write Fortran code in a new folder, it appears that VSCode does not know about the functions in the library, so things like autocomplete and jump to definition do not work.

I have tried adding the relevant folder in the .json file (in the fortran.includePaths variable), but without succes. Also adding the folder to the current workspace does not do the trick. It seems that the only way to get things working is by putting everything in the same directory, which is not my preferred way of working.

2. In some of my LabView code, I need to call his Fortran source code in order to do some complicated calculations. I have no capablility to translate his Fortran code to Labview (or is it even possible??), so we end up with trying to use "Call library function node" where I just provide input/outputs to communicate with his code. The idea sounds simple enough?

3. We complie the Fortran code into .dll, and then specifiy the dll in "Call library function node". The first try with a very simple Fortran code, something like c = a+b*a, was sucessful. The dll file and Call lib function worked good. It's sort of proved the concept.

4. Now I am trying more complicated Fortran code (say Test.dll), which calling other library (.lib files) that using typical "call xxx(a,b,c)" line, and my nightmare started.... It seems nothing was excuted when I call Test.dll in LabView.

I tried the same Fortran code to build an excutable and everything works ok. I have a feeling that the way I set up my LabVeiw call library node probably has something wrong, but I cannot prove anything (or don't know how to)

So there should be no problem with locating those libs. What most likely is a problem are other DLL dependencies such as any Fortran Runtime library or possibly other third party DLLs the more advanced code in your DLL might be using.

Typically most compilers can be configured to link the runtime library code statically into the DLL, as altenbach reports for the Intel compiler, otherwise you must make sure to install the redistributable Fortran Runtime Library for your compiler. Besides that you must make sure to find out what other runtime dependencies your code might have and install them.

BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) is a collection of Fortran subroutines for basic matrix/vector operations, mainly dedicated to matrix multiplications. LAPACK (Linear Algebra Package) is a library to perform well-known matrix operations such as Cholesky factorization, inversion, solution of linear equations, eigenvalue problems, and so on. LAPACK depends on BLAS. Some companies and research groups have optimized BLAS to enable parallel computations. The optimized BLAS accelerates the LAPACK subroutines, and therefore, you should use it in your serious studies. In this section, we are going to use a reference implementation i.e., non-optimized Fortran library. BLAS and LAPACK are available under the BSD license, an open-source license.

RANLIB is a library for random number generators written in FORTRAN 77. The original package is available at Netlib. I restructured this package to have a module. The license is avauilable from the official documentation.

RANLIB is a library for various CDF (cumulative distribution functions) written in FORTRAN 77. The original package is available at Netlib. I restructured this package to have a module. The license is avauilable from the official documentation.

I need to build a Fortran program that uses (among others) the library netcdf, which I downloaded using apt-get (my computer is on Ubuntu 20.04). Installing the library worked, the share object files for the library are there, but upon running the makefile of the program I need to install, it doesn't work because it doesn't find the include files for this library. I am not familiar with Fortran, is it a common thing to need the include file in this case? As far as I know (or rather experienced), linking such libraries doesn't require include files in C++. I assume if I needed them normally, I should have had got them when installing the library.

Thank you for your help!

A software library is usually a set of subprograms that have been previously compiled and organized into a single binary library file. Each member of the set is called a library element or module. The linker searches the library files, loading object modules referenced by the user program while building the executable binary program. See ld(1) and the Solaris Linker and Libraries Guide for details.

Static library. A library in which modules are bound into the executable file before execution. Static libraries are commonly named libname.a. The .a suffix refers to archive.

Dynamic library. A library in which modules can be bound into the executable program at runtime. Dynamic libraries are commonly named libname.so. The .so suffix refers to shared object.

Library files provide an easy way for programs to share commonly used subroutines. You need only name the library when linking the program, and those library modules that resolve references in the program are linked and merged into the executable file.

Summary information about library usage and loading can be obtained by passing additional options to the linker through the LD_OPTIONS environment variable. The compiler calls the linker with these options (and others it requires) when generating object binary files.

Using the compiler to call the linker is always recommended over calling the linker directly because many compiler options require specific linker options or library references, and linking without these could produce unpredictable results.

The linker -m option generates a load map that displays library linking information. The routines linked during the building of the executable binary program are listed together with the libraries that they come from.

The linker searches for libraries at several locations and in a certain prescribed order. Some of these locations are standard paths, while others depend on the compiler options -Rpath, -llibrary, and -Ldir and the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

The standard library search paths used by the linker are determined by the installation path, and they differ for static and dynamic loading. is the path to where the Fortran compilers have been installed. In a standard install of the software this is /opt .

Use the -llibrary compiler option to name additional libraries for the linker to search when resolving external references. For example, the option -lmylib adds the library libmylib.so or libmylib.a to the search list.

The linker looks in the standard directory paths to find the additional libmylib library. The -L option (and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable) creates a list of paths that tell the linker where to look for libraries outside the standard paths.

For any particular unresolved reference, libraries are searched only once, and only for symbols that are undefined at that point in the search. If you list more than one library on the command line, then the libraries are searched in the order in which they are found on the command line. Place -llibrary options as follows:

The -Ldir option adds the dir directory path to the library search list. The linker searches for libraries first in any directories specified by the -L options and then in the standard directories. This option is useful only if it is placed preceding the -llibrary options to which it applies.

When building the executable file, the linker records the paths to shared libraries in the executable itself. These search paths can be specified using the -Rpath option. This is in contrast to the -Ldir option which indicates at buildtime where to find the library specified by a -llibrary option, but does not record this path into the binary executable.

The linker extracts from the library any elements whose entry points are referenced within the program it is linking, such as a subprogram, entry name, or COMMON block initialized in a BLOCKDATA subprogram. These extracted elements (routines) are bound permanently into the a.out executable file generated by the linker.

If you bind an a.out executable file statically, the library routines it needs become part of the executable binary. However, if it becomes necessary to update a static library routine bound into the a.out executable, the entire a.out file must be relinked and regenerated to take advantage of the updated library. With dynamic libraries, the library is not part of the a.out file and linking is done at runtime. To take advantage of an updated dynamic library, all that is required is that the new library be installed on the system. 17dc91bb1f

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