Researching education policy

Researching education policy - theory and method questions

Under development

Published papers:

Alexiadou, N., Hjelmér, C., Laiho, A., Pihlaja, P. 2024. Early childhood education and care policy change: Comparing goals, governance and ideas in Nordic contexts. Compare, 54(2), 185-202.

Alexiadou, N, Holm, A-S., Rönnberg, L. & Carlbaum, S. 2023. Learning, unlearning and redefining teachers’ agency in international private education: a Swedish education company operating in India, Educational Review,

Alexiadou, N., & Rambla, X. 2023. Education policy governance and the power of ideas in constructing the new European Education Area. European Educational Research Journal, 22(6), 852-869. 

Rönnberg, L., Alexiadou, N., Benerdal, M., Carlbaum, S. 2022. Swedish free school companies going global: Spatial imaginaries and movable pedagogical ideas. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 8:1, 9-19. ISSN 2002-0317.

Essex, J., Alexiadou, N., Zwozdiak-Myers, P. 2021. Understanding inclusion in teacher education – A view from student teachers in England. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 25:12, 1425-1442. ISSN: 1464-5173.

Alexiadou, N., Stadler Altmann, U. 2020. Early childhood education research in Europe: Contexts, policies, and ideas. Education Inquiry, 11:2, s.89-93. ISSN 2000-4508.

Alexiadou, N. 2019. Framing education policies and transitions of Roma students in Europe, Comparative Education, 55:3, 422-442.

Alexiadou, N., Helgøy I., Homme, A. 2019. Lost in transition – policies to reduce early school leaving and encourage further studying in Europe, Comparative Education, 55:3, 297-307.

Alexiadou, N., Arreman-Erixon, I., Dovemark, M., Holm, AS. Lundahl, L. & Lundström, U. 2016. Managing inclusion in competitive school systems: The cases of Sweden and England. Research in Comparative and International Education, 11:1, 13-33.

Alexiadou, N. Essex, J. 2016. Teacher Education for inclusive practice – Responding to policy. European Journal of Teacher Education. 39:1, 5-19.

Alexiadou, N., Findlow, S. 2014. Developing the educated citizen: Changing frameworks for the roles of universities in Europe and England. Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia, 24:3, 371-382. ISSN 1408-5348.

Alexiadou, N. 2013. Privatising public education across Europe: Shifting boundaries and the politics of (re)claiming schools. Education Inquiry, 4:3, 413-422.

Alexiadou, N., Van de Bunt-Kokhuis, S. 2013. Policy space and the governance of education: transnational influences on institutions and identities in the Netherlands and the UK. Comparative Education, 49:3, 344-360.

Alexiadou N. 2011. Social inclusion and leadership in education: an evolution of roles and values in the English education system over the last 60 years. Education Inquiry, 2:4, 581-600.

Thomson P., McGregor J., Sanders E., Alexiadou N., 2009. Changing schools: more than a lick of paint and a well-orchestrated performance?. Improving Schools, 12:1, 43-57.

Alexiadou N. 2005. Social exclusion, and educational opportunity: the case of British education policies within a European Union context. Globalisation, Societies and Education Journal, 3:1, 103-127.

Alexiadou N., Ozga J. 2002. Modernising education governance in England and Scotland: devolution and control. European Educational Research Journal, 1:4, 676-691.

Alexiadou N. 2002. Social inclusion and social exclusion in England: tensions in education policy. Journal of Education Policy, 17:1, 71-86.


Alexiadou N. 2001. Researching policy implementation: interview data analysis in institutional contexts. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Theory and Practice, 4:1, 51-61.


Alexiadou N. 2001. Management identities in transition: a case study from Further Education. Sociological Review, 49:3, 412-435.


Alexiadou, N., Lawn M. 2000. “Le nouveau discours educatif sous l’influence entrepreneurial: les secteurs public et prive dans les Zones d’Action Educative”. Revue Francaise de Pedagogie, No.133, Octobre-Novembre-Decembre. Pp.25-36. (In French)


Alexiadou N. 2000. The authority of the customer: some reflections on relations and identities within Further Education. Education for Social Justice, 2:3, 12-18.