
Research in progress

Altinok, N., & Diebolt, C. (2024). Une démocratisation en trompe-l'œil ? Cliométrie des inégalités éducatives (1970-2020), (forthcoming)

Altinok, N., & Diebolt, C. (2024). An International Database on Equity on Schooling Systems (1970-2020), (forthcoming)

Altinok, N., & Diebolt, C. (2024). A Review and proposal for a new measure of higher education quality around the world, (forthcoming)

Altinok, N., & Diebolt, C. (2024). Schooling Quality Progress in Türkiye: A Cliometric Approach (1970-2020), (forthcoming)

Research Papers

2024 -  Bref retour cliométrique sur 50 ans de performance scolaire en lecture et en mathématiques en France : 1970-2020. (With Claude DIEBOLT), Revue d'Economie Politique, No. 134/01, pp. 81-104. PDF Journal

2024 - Cliometrics of Learning-Adjusted Years of Schooling: Evidence from a New Dataset. (With Claude DIEBOLT), Cliometrica, 18(3), 2024. PDF Dataset

2022 - Smarter Teachers, Smarter Students? Some New Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. (With NGUYEN-VAN, Phu). In : International Trade, Economic Development, and the Vietnamese Economy. Springer, Singapore, 2022. p. 103-126. 

2022 - Pessino, C., Altinok, N., & Chagalj, C. Allocative Efficiency of Government Spending for Growth in Latin American Countries, IDB Working Paper 1287. PDF

2018 - Global Data Set on Education Quality (1965-2015) (January 23, 2018). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 8314, Available at SSRN: With Noam Angrist and Harry Patrinos 

2017 – "Does One Size Fit All? The Impact of Cognitive Skills on Economic Growth", Journal of Macroeconomics (forthcoming) (With Abdurrahman Aydemir, Sabanci University, IZA, CREAM-UCL). PDF + Appendix (PDF

2015 – “Une éducation pour tous de qualité : une analyse statistique sur les pays d’Afrique sub-saharienne”, Economies et Sociétés, Série AF, n°50, pp919-950, Paris. More... PDF

2014 – “A New International Database on Education Quality : 1960-2010”, Applied Economics, 46(11), p1212-1247 (With Claude Diebolt and Jean-Luc de Meulemeester). More... PDF

2012 – “New evidence on class size effect : A pupil fixed approach”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 64(2), pp.203-234. (With Geeta Kingdon, London University). More... PDF

2011 – “Do School Resources Increase Schooling”, Brussels Economic Review, 51(4), pp. 435-458, DULBEA.More... PDF

2007 – “International Database on Human Capital Quality”, Economics Letters, vol. 96(2), pages 237-244, August (With H. Murseli). More... PDF

 2007 – “Capital humain et Croissance : l’apport des enquêtes internationales sur les acquis des élèves”, Economie Publique, 18-19 2006/1-2, pp177-209. More... PDF

2006 – “Données internationales sur l’éducation (1960-2005) ”, Economies et Sociétés, Série AF, n°35, pp.1053-1088, Paris. More...


2018 - Global Data Set on Education Quality (1965-2015) (January 23, 2018). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 8314, Available at SSRN: With Noam Angrist and Harry Patrinos 

2017 - Mind the Gap: Proposal for a standardized measure for SDG 4 – Education 2030 Agenda", UIS Discussion Paper n°46, Institute for Statistics UNESCO, Montréal. PDF

2017 - Analyse critique et méthodologique des données d ‘éducation de l’Afrique subsaharienne. Agence française de développement, 2017.  PDF

2013 - "The Impact of Teacher Knowledge on Student Achievement in Subsaharan Africa", Background Paper to UNESCO-Education for All-Global Monitoring Report 2013/14, Paris. PDF

2012 – "Renforcer la mesure pour piloter la qualité de l’éducation", Altinok N. ; Bourdon J..- A savoir, 16, décembre 2012.- Document de travail pour l’AFD PDF

2011 – “An analysis of pupils’ performance of Palestinian National Authority and Israel during the Second Intifada based on TIMSS databases”, Background Paper to UNESCO-Education for All-Global Monitoring Report 2011 (Unesco EFA-GMR).PDF

2010 – “An analysis of marginalization in education based on TIMSS 2007”, Background Paper for the UNESCO-Education for All-Global Monitoring Report 2010 (Unesco EFA-GMR). PDF

2010 – “A technical analysis of pupil achievement under the QLIP Project”, Technical Paper for IIEP-Unesco and World Bank (Fast-Track Initiative Project). 

2008 – “Evolution of Education Quality : An international Perspective”, Background Paper for the UNESCO-Education for All-Global Monitoring Report 2009 (Unesco EFA-GMR).PDF


Working Papers

Altinok, Nadir, Diebolt, Claude, (2023). Cliometrics of Learning-Adjusted Years of Schooling: Evidence from a New Dataset. Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, Working paper n°02-23, UDS, Strasbourg, 2023. PDF

Altinok, N., & Diebolt, C. (2023). Bref retour cliométrique sur 50 ans de performances scolaires en lecture et en mathématique en France: 1970-2020, AFC Working Papers, No. 04-23, Strasbourg. PDF 



2023 - "Cliometrics of Learning-Adjusted Years of Schooling", paper and dataset  (working paper)

2018 - "Global data set on education quality" More...

2014 - "International Database on Human Capital Quality : An Update" More...

2007 - "International Database on Human Capital Quality" More...