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Dialogo OMCC-FEBA_ver. OMCC



With the purpose of knowing the functions, tasks and specific areas of competence in which the Eduardo Bonnin Aguiló Foundation (FEBA) carries out its activities, and at the same time, share experiences, specify points of view, and establish the appropriate attributions and competencies between said Civil Association and the Cursillo Movement of Christianity, on September 17, 2020, through the Zoom platform, the Executive Committee of the OMCC, represented by its President, Juan Adolfo Moguel Ortiz and his Ecclesiastical Advisor, Monsignor Faustino Armendáriz Jiménez , held a meeting, promoted by the MCC International Groups: North America, Canada and the Caribbean Group (NACCG) and Latin American Group (GLCC), with Mr. Miguel Sureda, President and official representative of the aforementioned Foundation.

Mr. Miguel Sureda, in a correct and simple way, stated that the purpose and objective of the Foundation he represents is to preserve and disseminate the thought and works of layman Eduardo Bonnín; to offer his spiritual, intellectual and personal legacy: his writings, "scrolls", trips and interviews, in order to make his life and his person known, thus making it possible for anyone interested in Eduardo's thought to know him, study him and share it, for which it has created, among other things, a Web page, and a site on Facebook, while making the clarification that there are other sites in social networks, which although they are intended to spread the thought and works by Eduardo Bonnín, do not necessarily correspond to or represent the thought or criteria of the FEBA Foundation, and therefore the Foundation cannot be held liable for its contents or comments.

Mr. Sureda emphatically clarified that because its client, the Eduardo Bonnin Aguiló Foundation (FEBA), holds the “Civil Association” regime, it is NOT linked to the Catholic Church, nor is it part of any of the Structures of Service of the Movement of Cursillos in Christianity.

Likewise, Mr. Sureda declared himself oblivious to other groups that have emerged with the same or similar intentions to spread the thought and works of Eduardo Bonnín, specifically mentioning “Friends of the Charism” among these.

In this sense, he wanted to make it very clear that the disagreements, confusions and deviations that have arisen between these groups and some leaders of the Movement and those that may arise in the future, are completely beyond the responsibility of the group ( FEBA) that he directs, and in any case it must be attributed to the personal authorship of who, with his attitude or comment, causes an ideological conflict with the MCC. In view of the statements made to Mr. Sureda in the sense that some people , invoking belonging and in some cases serving as local or regional representatives of said Foundation, they try to get involved in the Schools of Leaders, in the Diocesan and National Secretariats of the Movement, and even that in certain Latin American countries they have constituted, subsidiaries or branches of the FEBA Civil Foundation, with the purpose of disseminating either through conferences, literature, slogans, proposals or comments, ab Certainly and definitely contrary to the Original Charism, to the Fundamental Ideas Approved for the Movement in the VII World Meeting, as well as the Legal Statute approved by the Holy See, and that in some cases, there have been personal attacks against some legitimate representatives of the Movement, Mr. Sureda, replied that the generation of affiliates or branches of FEBA in some countries of America did not always obey to determinations of the Civil Foundation based in Mallorca, but were the product of individual initiatives of people who, linked or not to the FEBA Foundation, they arose in a personal capacity, which in some cases was even unknown by said Civil Foundation that he presides.

At the close of this meeting Hugo Valverde, President of the Executive Committee of the North America, Canada and the Caribbean Group (NACCG), thanked the participants for having responded to the invitation to this dialogue in a Christian attitude, pointing out the importance of this gesture aimed at building unity. at the MCC.

Those who attended and actively participated in this meeting:

For North America, Canada and the Caribbean Group (NACCG): Hugo Valverde, President; Marisela Rodríguez García, Vice-President; Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, Episcopal Advisor and Fr. Alex Waraska, Ecclesiastical Advisor

For the Latin American Group (GLCC): Víctor Salgado, President; Eugenio Severín, Vocal of Studies and Formation and Father Jorge Farfán, Ecclesiastical Advisor

For the Eduardo Bonnin Aguiló Foundation (FEBA): Miguel Sureda, President.

For the World Organization (OMCC), Juan Adolfo Moguel Ortiz, President and Monsignor Faustino Armendáriz Jiménez, Ecclesiastical Advisor


Acta Comprehensiva de la Reunión de Diálogo:


(English coming soon!)

Acta Comprehensiva de la Reunión de Diálogo: Parte 1, 2, 3