
My doctoral research centers on symplectic and low-dimensional topology. In symplectic topology, my research focusses on understanding the symplectic fillings of contact 3-manifolds using punctured pseudoholomorphic curves. Specifically, I am interested in understanding how surgery like operations on contact 3-manifolds affects the symplectic fillings.

Simultaneously, in low-dimensional topology, my work has been focussed around Knot theory, particularly Khovanov homology, Khovanov--Rozansky homology and their variants.


with Marc Kegel, Lukas Lewark, Filip Misev,  Leo Mousseau, Marithania Silvero.

with Marc Kegel, Leo Mousseau, Marithania Silvero.

with Priyavrat DeshpandeAnurag Singh

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(2022).

    Selected Talks:


Apr 14-19, 2024

Feb 8-10, 2024

Sep 6-8, 2023

Aug 26 - Sep 1, 2023

May 8-12, 2023

Jan 20-27, 2023

Sep 12-16, 2022 

Sep 05-07, 2022

Aug 01-05, 2022

Feb 01-05, 2021

Jan 18-22 2021