History of education

There is an opinion that the first school appeared in the Zelven region at the beginning of the 16th century. The most accurate information about the school dates back to 1639, when Gabriel Schmitt founded the residence of the monastic order of PR in Derechin and opened a school on the model of the Jesuit. The school was free. In the second half of the 18th century. in the economy of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, dramatic changes took place, primarily the involvement of the landlord economy in commodity-money relations. This made it necessary to reorganize and school affairs. The first timid school reform was the restructuring in the 40s of the 18th century. Order of the Jesuits. In Belarus, the PR order appeared in the 20s of the 18th century. Among the best educational institutions they opened was the school in Zelva, organized mainly on the model of the Jesuit schools.

In 1803-1804. in Belarus, a reform of public education was carried out, which contributed to the creation of primary schools of various types (mainly parish). General education training was not provided in one-class parish schools. The children of the peasants were taught only practical skills: replanting and grafting trees, producing agricultural tools and household items. They had to memorize spiritual songs. Of course, the Belarusian language was not studied either. Learning to read, write, even in Russian, was considered superfluous for peasant children.

... However, at first, the tsarist government also took into account the strength of the position of the local nobility in the Western Territory. This explains the opening in 1817 in the village of Derechin at the church of a school where instruction was conducted in Polish. Russian was taught as a foreign language. But peasant children were not admitted to this school.