Does the inclusive education give benefits to the children with special need?

The central topic of the current paper is inclusive education and its impact on disabled students. The subject matter is crucial because many schools over the last few years have recognized that inclusiveness is going to become one of the central principles of education in the future. Every individual should care about such a trend because it has an enormous effect on the society as a whole. The primary argument is that inclusive education in the United Arab Emirates benefits students with special needs since it provides an environment that supports collaboration and equal treatment. Inclusive education is an approach that educational institutions utilize to avoid separation of students with disabilities and promote equal opportunities. Inclusion is a feeling that an individual gets when he or she belongs in a particular environment (Sheikh, 2015).

Discussion of Source Material

A descriptive study by Anati and Ain (2012) suggests that numerous educators believe that inclusive education may lead to enormous problems. It covers such topics as the overall situation in the UAE and current issues related to the discussed approach. Authors argue that teachers agree with the idea that all children should get an opportunity to get a high-quality education, but the problem is that they are not confident in their abilities and think that additional training is required. The article draws attention to the fact that most institutions did not prepare for the introduction of inclusive classrooms, and Ministry of Education could have prevented most of the issues if it considered the experience of other countries.

The source is incredibly useful and differs from other articles because authors utilize a different research methodology. The information provided is reliable because “International Journal of Special Education” is an acclaimed international source. It is mostly objective because authors consider various perspectives on this topic and show no signs of bias. The goal of the article is to convince target audience that inclusive education in the UAE has to deal with several issues at the moment according to educators, and this problem deserves the attention of the government.

The article is a crucial part of my research and has helped me expand the paper. The source was helpful because it supports the argument that educators face many challenges, and it may affect their ability to support the learning process. I will utilize this article in the section devoted to counter-arguments to show that some of the concerns are reasonable. The source has reinforced my belief that inefficient training is the biggest difficulty that hurts inclusive education in the country.

An article by Anati (2013) focuses on the way teachers perceive inclusive education. Its primary objective is to ensure a better understanding of positive and negative aspects that affect this area of learning. This piece explores such topics as approaches that schools in the UAE utilize and relationships between teachers and children that require special attention. The primary argument is that most educators believe that such programs are of utmost importance, but the current strategy is insufficient and has many weaknesses. The article is about challenges that affected employees face as the result of the introduction of inclusive education.

The source under review is essential because it highlights unique issues that help to expand the understanding of the topic. The article is quite similar to some others that I utilized but explores another aspect on this problem. Information provided is quite reliable because the author published it in an impactful international journal. There are no signs of biases, and the researcher tries to be as objective as possible. The goal of this source is to show that many teachers are not prepared to work in inclusive environments at the moment.

The piece of literature in question has helped me to determine the direction of the second part of the paper. It was incredibly helpful and allows me to support the argument that inclusive education is beneficial by exploring the perspective of teachers that participated in such programs. I will utilize this source in my research project because it provides vital information about the current situation and I will cite results of the study as an evidence of my statements. The article has changed my view of this topic because I realized that educators play a critical role in this process, and it is important to consider their needs.

The work by Cassady (2011) highlights the statement that professionals are willing to work with children with special needs. It explores perspectives of teachers on such conditions as autism and emotional disturbance. The central argument is that their perspectives on these disabilities are affected by the idea that the second one leads to more difficulties. The study focuses on a unique topic that scholars rarely explore, and shows that teachers may treat students differently based on their condition.

The source is useful because it provides unique information, but it is less important than others. The article appears in a dependable peer-reviewed online journal. The author is not biased and tries to draw attention to the fact that teachers may require additional training to make sure they treat every student equally.

The source is essential to the study because it highlights current challenges of inclusive education while discussing its benefits. The topic explored is rather narrow compared to other selected articles. It helps me support my thesis statement because it shows that teachers are ready to work on educational programs that help such children to learn. I can use this source in the section of my research that focuses on counterarguments, since unequal treatment of children is an objection that one may make. The paper has changed my perspective on this subject matter because it enhanced my understanding of weaknesses of inclusive education.

An article by Dukmak (2013) discusses views of educators on the inclusion of children that require assistance in their classrooms in the UAE. It covers such topics as the role of gender, age, and a type of disability, and their impact on teacher’s attitude. The primary argument is that the biggest percentage of educators supports the implementation of inclusive education, and most agree that exclusion from the classroom environment is unacceptable.

The source is incredibly valuable to my research because it enhances the understanding of various factors that may alter the behavior of teachers. The biggest difference from other selected paper is that the researcher uses many analysis methods at the same time. The information provided is credible because the author shows all the calculations, and is not biased. The goal of the author’s work is to convince readers that educators are ready to work in such environments if they receive appropriate support.

The paper highlights positive aspects of inclusive education and expands the knowledge in this area. It was useful because it helped me support my arguments about the importance of the behavior of educators. I employed provided figures to explain why inclusiveness benefits students with disabilities. The source aided me in understanding that most specialists are confident in their abilities and are prepared to work with such children.

An article by Hoppey and McLeskey (2013) suggests that leadership is one of the most crucial factors that determine the success of an inclusive classroom. It encompasses such topics as external pressure, teacher growth, and future research in this area. Authors argue that nurturing and caring from the side of a principal can affect the performance of teachers, and it allows them to perform their tasks efficiently. The article is about the analysis of the strategy utilizes by a principle that has adopted the inclusiveness model and was able to deal with associated challenges.

The source was extremely helpful, and it differed from others because researchers examined only one case rather than focusing on the comparison. The source is credible because authors acknowledge its limitations. Its aim is to provide a guideline that other principals may use when implementing such models.

The article fits into the third section of the paper. It also supports my argument that the efficiency of inclusive education heavily relies on principals and educators. I can use some of the principles the authors mention to explain how to implement such programs. The research in question has changed my perspective on the overall role of principals in such schools and their responsibilities.

An article by Sheikh (2015) explores the efficiency of inclusive education in Dubai schools. It covers such topics as the history of such programs, attitudes towards inclusion, and the current state of these initiatives in the city. The primary argument is the outcome of inclusive learning is positive in most cases according to findings, but strategies and methods still can be improved significantly. Overall, the article is about the necessity of special education programs in developed cities.

The work was useful in showing benefits of inclusiveness. The article is reliable because it is available on the website of an approved Dubai school. The paper itself is objective because the author bases his opinions on data and acknowledges various perspectives on this subject matter. The goal of the research was to convince the target audience that inclusive education is beneficial.

The paper under review assisted me in supporting my thesis statement. It was incredibly helpful because it gives detailed data regarding the success of discussed strategies. It allows me to argue that inclusive education already benefits many children with special needs in the UAE. I can cite provided statistics and statements as evidence. The research helped reshape my understanding of inclusiveness efficiency.


I. Thesis: Inclusive education in the United Arab Emirates benefits students with special needs.

II. Inclusive education allows students with disabilities succeed.

1. Individuals that need assistance can receive help and support from other children and teachers.

2. Their motivation levels are much higher because there is no exclusion.

3. Communication with other students and educators is an essential part of the education process. III. Principals that focus on leadership and trained specialists aid students that require assistance to understand that they are valuable members of the society.

1. They are more likely to establish long-term relationships with others.

2. A supportive environment helps them to deal with personal issues and challenges.

3. Students with disabilities are less likely to be stressed and depressed.

IV. Counterargument and Refutation paragraphs

A. Many educators are not ready for inclusive education.

1. Teachers lack training, and it affects their performance.

2. They treat students differently based on their condition.


1. Most educators agree with the concept of inclusiveness.

2. It is possible to solve current issues in the future if the government devotes much more attention to this subject matter and invests in training.

3. Students easily get discouraged by the intensified rivalry. Teamwork, a skill that is vital in youth's self-development and success, also suffers along the way.

V. Concluding Paragraph: Provided evidence supports the argument that inclusive education is beneficial to students with special needs in the UAE. The central idea is that this approach promotes equality and helps exterminate discriminatory practices in educational institutions. Application of such principles improves the society as a whole because people with disabilities will not have to deal with such difficulties related to integration into various communities and the workforce.

About the Author: Jimmy Ruiz is an editor at Best Essays Sites. He has a master’s degree in psychology and more than seven years’ experience as a writer and editor. Jimmy is primarily focused on writing about self-improvement.