Fictives Of Interest

Royalty, Magical, & Deities


Photo of a lego woman with long, fluffy black hair, with bangs. She has prominent eyelashes and wears blue lipstick with gold eye shadow. At the top of her head is a blue and gold crescent moon shaped headdress.

Chang'e from Lego Monkie Kid


Photo of a young lego woman, presumably a teenager. She has short chin-length black hair with two small pigtails, straight bangs, and two dyed green strands framing her face. The back of her hair slightly spikes up. The silhouette of her hair resembles the head of a dragon, with her pigtails forming the horns.

Mei from Lego Monkie Kid

Ren (Ne Zha)

A lego yellow skinned adult, with shoulder-length black hair that fluffs out towards the bottom, the top half of it is in twin buns that are tied with red ribbons. The way his hair is curved around his head implies he has pointed ears. He has circular red makeup above his eyebrows.

Ne Zha from Lego Monkie Kid

Princess Iron Fan

Photo of a normal, human lego woman with long, black hair, with part of it in a top bun, another part done in an updo that resembles a bull's horns, with two hair loops at her ears and the rest of it loose. She wears red lipstick and has a beauty mark on the right side of her face.

Princess Iron Fan from Lego Monkie Kid

Red Son

Photo of a lego that looks akin to an average human teenager. He has red hair tied into a high ponytail, a section of it stands up at his widows peak with a yellow highlight resembling fire. He also has a 'X' shaped scar on his right cheek and a red dot on his forehead.

Red Son from Lego Monkie Kid

Demon Bull King

Photo of a demon appears in the form of an anthropomorphic bull. He has yellow eyes and was originally covered in lavender fur. After he was freed from his prison, the Demon Bull King had purple skin with blue markings along his body, and temporarily had his left horn broken off.

Demon Bull King from Lego Monkie Kid

Monkey King

The Monkey King is an anthropomorphic monkey relatively the size of an average human. He has orange fur covering his body and tail, and peach skin on his torso, face, ears, knees, hands, and feet. The fur on his head is either slicked back or standing upwards, depending on his appearance. He has a pink heart-shaped marking across his face, golden eyes with a lined wing, and thick black eyebrows.

Monkey King from Lego Monkie Kid


Macaque has a similar appearance to the Monkey King. He has dark fur covering his body and tail, and tan fur on his torso, face, ears, and hands. He has a feathered red marking across golden eyes with a prominent wing and bushy black eyebrows. Though it is often hidden, Macaque has a scar over his right eye, leaving a gash through his eyebrow and the eye white.

Macaque from Lego Monkie Kid


After regenerating in "Change Your Mind", Pearl now wears a poofy, cropped, short-sleeve cyan blazer with a pink inner lining and a yellow star on the back over a light teal top, cadet blue leggings (appearing as capri jeans), and light pink slip-on ballet flats.

Pearl from Steven Universe


Photo of a gem person that has lime-green skin and pale chartreuse yellow hair styled into a tetrahedron shape. When she blushes, it is green. Her true eye color is dark green, which is usually tinted by the yellow color of her visor. Her visor works similar to Garnet's, it being a part of her form yet not molded to her body. Her mouth and tongue are bluish-gray, and she has a pointed upper lip. Her gemstone is located on her forehead.

Peridot from Steven Universe


Photo of a gem person that has a large, bulky body type with broad shoulders and a strong, flat chest that is wider than her lower body. She is very tall for a non-fusion Gem, being slightly taller than Garnet. Her legs are noticeably shorter compared to her arms. Her head outlines the shape of the rest of her body, with a large jaw and noticeable cheeks similar to Steven. Her hair is styled in several locks in a mixture of several bright tones, all held back by a lilac headband. She has a cool gray complexion, and she sports a single tattoo-like marking of a star pattern on her left shoulder in a smoky dark red. Her gemstone is located in the center of her chest and is noticeably concave.

Bismuth from Steven Universe


Photo of a gem being with a somewhat stout build common to Quartz Gems and is shorter than most of the characters, formerly rivaling Steven's height, though only by a couple of inches. She is about half the height of a "standard" Quartz Gem soldier, such as Jasper, due to remaining in the ground for an extra 500 years, which also gives her a somewhat stocky appearance. Her skin is bright lilac, her eyes are dark indigo, and her thick, messy hair is pale lavender and goes down to her ankles, with a large bang that obscures her left eye. She also has plump lips, and a small, upturned nose. Her gemstone is located on her chest, and the bottom half of it was usually covered by her shirt

Amethyst from Steven Universe


As of "Change Your Mind". Garnet's shades are now marigold and takes the shape of the top of a star. The shape of her suit is unaffected, but the coloring is. The upper torso is now cerise with a pale pink, almost white, 4-pointed star on top with an orchid-colored outline which also now faces sideways. The abdominal area is magenta on the left side and cobalt blue on the right. The legs are now completely midnight blue and hot magenta at the toes. Her shoulder pads are also phlox-colored, and she keeps her gloves and wedding rings. She keeps this regeneration after regenerating in Steven Universe: The Movie. Not noticed by many, her skin tone is slightly darker.

Garnet from Steven Universe


Photo of a pony that is yellow with blue hair on her forehead and top head. She wears a necklace around her neck. As a seapony, she light blue fins on her hooves/hands and behind, has light read flipper wings, a bright red sea flower on her head, and red coloring around her neck. As a hippogriff, she has wings, claws on both front and back, a light blue tail, the red sea flower is also a land flower, and the red coloring around her neck isn't there.

Princess Skystar from My Little Pony Gen 4

Vinyl Scratch

Vinyl Scratch from My Little Pony Gen 4


Celestia from My Little Pony Gen 4


Luna from My Little Pony Gen 4

Rain Shine

Rain Shine from My Little Pony Gen 4


Thorax from My Little Pony Gen 4


Neopolitan from RWBY


Penny was a light-skinned android with rather curly short orange hair that came down to her chin with a small cowlick on top and she wore a pink bow on the back of her head, bright green eyes and freckles.  She wore an off white old-fashioned styled off the shoulder blouse with frill detailed trim and frill flared cuffs that half covered her hands alongside copper button detailing on the lower parts of her sleeves. She also sported a short gray pinafore dress with golden trim on the hem alongside four light green stalagmite styled stripes on the lower half of the dress, two on the front and two on the back, accompanied by two matching colored circles above the tips that had a stripe that ran around her waistline, with golden outlines, and a detachable black and light green collar. She also wore a pair of black thigh-high leg pieces that seemingly were attached to black shoes. The leg pieces had a single green stripe up the sides that appeared to light up.  She had a layer of synthetic skin that concealed her metallic structure and spherical joints and her irises bore similarities to the shutter of a camera. The skin wasn’t strong and could be damaged revealing the metal under it as shown in A Minor Hiccup.  She also wore a silver backpack that contained Floating Array, her weapon.

Penny from RWBY


Sunburst from My Little Pony Gen 4


Photo of a lion with a light golden pelt and paler golden paws, underbelly, and muzzle, with scruffier fur on his upper cheeks and the base of his chest. He has a red hair tuft with a few bright red stripes and a bushy tail tip, that is the same color as his hair tuft. His eyes are orange-brown, with dark, thick eyebrows located above them. He possesses a dark brown nose and whiskers. He has brown rims along the side of his light red-brown inner ears and black rims along the top.  As a teenager, Kion has grown taller.His mane has grown slightly larger and most of the spots on his legs have faded. He also has a scar on his left eye, like that of his granduncle Scar, and brother-in-law, Kovu. However, Scar and Kovu both have one slightly curved line running down their eye, while Kion’s scar has two small lines above his eye, and one below.

Kion from The Lion Guard


Photo of a sleek young lioness, with reddish brown fur and a dark brown stripe running down her back. On her back, are markings that look like a horseshoe. The top of her ears are lined with a similar brown, and her pink inner ears have dark brown fur underneath. She has a dark pink nose and her eyes are chocolate brown, with bright brown eye rims below her eyes. The brownish-cream color of her lower eye rims is also present on her muzzle, her underbelly and her paws. The back of her four legs have many little, dark brown spots, which look similar to Kion's. The tip of her tail is dark brown. She has a bright, pink colored scar on the inside of her right front leg from unknown circumstances. On her shoulder she bears the Mark of the Night Pride, as she is the Night Pride's leader. Upon becoming Queen of the Tree of Life, she wears blue paint on her forehead to symbolize her leadership.

Rani from The Lion Guard


Photo of a brown young adult lion with a full mane and has a scar over his left eye, identical to his former predecessor Scar. His jaw is quite small, and his muzzle color is present at the tip of his snout. His inner ears have changed color, becoming dark pink, and he now has four whiskers on each side of his muzzle.

Kovu from Lion King/Lion Guard


Photo of a pretty young lioness with pale golden-orange fur. Her coat is a perfect blend of the colors of both her mother's and father's pelts, with a cream underbelly, muzzle, and paws. Her eyes are amber-brown and her nose and inner ears are purplish pink. She has narrow dark brown eyebrows, similar to Nala's. The tuft at the end of Kiara's tail is a soft brown hue. Her sclerae are a vivid shade of yellow, the same as those of her father's, and distinctively brighter than most.  As a teenager and a young adult, Kiara doesn't change much from a pre-adolescent except that she has gotten bigger in size and her jaw is slightly wider in comparison to her face.

Kiara from Lion King/Lion Guard


Photo of a young cub with scruffy fur that was a dusty fulvous hue. Her fur was especially long on her head, forming a large tuft that falls towards her muzzle, though it is also considerably long on her cheeks. Her muzzle, chest, underbelly, and paws were a creamy tan color. Her nose is deep pink and angular. The tuft at the end of her tail is brown. Her eyes are a bright blue.  As a young adult, Vitani still retains the tuft on her head. Her fur is duller than her previously yellowish coat.

Vitani from Lion Guard/LionKing


Ember from My Little Pony Gen 4


Zagreus is somewhat small for a god, considerably shorter than Hades and about a head shorter than Persephone. Presumably, he has an average height for a mortal, as he tells the Minotaur that he is the same height as Theseus. He has heterochromia, with one eye being his father's red and the other his mother's green. His black hair is like his father's, but with his mother's spiky texture. His skin is quite pale (tanned by underworld standards), and he is physically strong and muscular. His feet are perpetually on fire. Zagreus is well-sculpted, so much so that even Aphrodite takes note of him. Although he is considered thin for a god and has been called skinny, he would be considered above average in size by mortal standards. It seems he strangely bleeds red.

Zagreus from HADES


Melinoë, much like her older brother Zagreus, has heterochromia with one eye red like their father's and the other green like their mother's. However, the colors are inverted in relation to his. Her left arm appears spectral with a supernatural green glow, revealing her skeleton that can be seen within it, indicating she might have lost it at some point or was born with this distinctive feature. Her hair is wheat blonde like her mother's, the haircut is short and does not share the spiky characteristics of hers and Zagreus. Her skin is pale like her brother's, but she is slender and less muscular than him, and like her father and brother, her bare feet glow with warmth.  She adorns her head with a laurel wreath that glow like embers when on her head, similar to her brother's. Parting her bangs at the center is an upward-facing crescent moon on her forehead. She wears a short saffron-colored dress fastened up to the neck brace, with her limbs adorned with metal ornaments, including lunar shapes on her right leg. On her left leg, Melinoë wears a braided cord in the colors orange, green, blue, and black, matching that of her mentor Hecate.

Melinoe from HADES 2


Thanatos is a figure with a grayish-brownish skin tone, though pale, slim, and slender, but sculpted with striking features and short silver hair that used to be long, now falling in strands around his face. He has dark circles around his eyes, with remarkable golden eyes that gleam with a supernatural light. He is generally seen with an apathetic expression.  His dark leather armor is adorned with golden wings, similar to his twin brother's, but with "three" ornaments instead of "four," placed on just one shoulder. He wears a hood that covers the top of his head and frames his face, and his black cloak flows behind him as he moves gracefully and agilely. In his hand, he wields a black scythe with a sharp, curved blade that emits a purple light resembling an eye. Thanatos' physical appearance exudes a quiet and mysterious aura befitting his role as the God of Death.

Thanatos from HADES


Hypnos flaunts a lazy expression and sports curly hair, with a pen feather resting on top. His silver hair and golden eyes are the only features he seems to share with his twin brother. His complexion is extremely pale, almost taking on a bluish undertone. Hypnos possesses an average stature for a god; when not hunched or stretching, he stands noticeably taller than Zagreus and has a height similar to that of his brother, boasting a slender physique. He is frequently observed lying face down during sleep.  His attire comprises a long red tunic adorned with golden details, complemented by a long, velvety red coat with white trim that resembles a blanket. His belt is fashioned with poppies, which are often associated with sleep, and features a sleeping skull emblem. He always carries a clipboard and a feather, which he uses to read his reports. Much like his brother, he displays a pair of golden wings on his back, embellished with "four" ornaments on both shoulders. Furthermore, he wears a red eye mask to "feign" that he's awake when he's actually asleep.

Hypnos from HADES


Nyx has pale gray skin, yellow eyes, and very dark purple hair. She appears to be wearing black eye shadow, purple lipstick, and periwinkle nail polish. Her waist-length hair is elaborately fashioned with a braid on either side and a high bun held up in part by a golden crown. Her hair also flares to either side in the shape of a pair of bird-like wings, and the stars of the night sky can be seen on the undersides of these "wings."  She is dressed in graceful robes of purple and gray fabrics with gold accents. The sleeveless robes are long enough to cover her feet and hug her neck, but expose some of her chest. Her golden pauldrons are shaped like a pair of crescent moons, each with one thin, purple bat-like wing shooting outward. Her chest, forehead, and hanging earlobe piercings are decorated with teardrop-shaped Darkness crystals (seemingly identical to the collectible in-game item). She has a skull motif, with three white skull shapes on her chest, each with bright pink eyes. The golden skull on her crown also features the same color eyes. In addition, the crown is decorated with numerous pale star shapes. Nyx wears a golden armguard on her left hand, which also bears three rings: two with purple crystals, and one bright pink. Finally, a long, purple ribbon floats ethereally around her frame, levitating behind her head until it wraps forward onto the inside of her elbows.

Nyx from HADES


Photo of a fourteen year old teenager and has grown taller, towering above Brok and Sindri. He has gained a bulkier build, a deeper voice and his skin is less pale than it was when he was younger. Back in the day, Kratos cut his hair. These days it’s mostly Atreus with some help from dad. He holds the Talon Bow on his back with an S-shaped hook patterned after Jörmungandr. He wears a yellow tunic lined with fur, the yellow reflects his strong connection to his mother and the Giants, the red stitching is in the same place as his father's tattoo. On his right arm he wears an Elven brass, He continues to wear his father's red sash and mother's yellow scarf. On the cuff of his sleeve he wears a burnished pewter cuff ornament, in addition he wears a leather arm guard, It’s wolf themed to represent the speed and aggressiveness of the arrows he shoots, it also protects his arm from getting hit by his bowstring. Atreus also wears hand-engraved bronze hook buckles made by Brok. His boots are made of reindeer hide, according to Sindri Atreus had to learn how to make them himself. Additionally, he also wears the mistletoe arrowhead that allowed Baldur to be defeated as a necklace, stating that it makes him feel brave and is a reminder of his father telling him that they need to be better gods.  Atreus now uses an identical knife to his fathers, it is the knife his father made for him when he was born by mixing metals from his homeland and from the Nine realms. In terms of his bow, the style slightly changed overtime, his father made the new arrows with a robust design and construction.

Atreus from God of War: Ragnarök


Photo of a pretty short and slender girl, who has brown skin, brown eyes, and long black dreadlocks being held together in a complicated pattern using a hand-carved, reindeer antler hairpiece. She also has a golden threaded hair wrap in a specific dreadlock. Along her neck, forehead and chin, she has subtle shades of golden tattoo pigment.  In terms of dress, Angrboda wears a blue and gray tattered hangerok over a white tunic, adorned with a homemade necklace using natural colored rocks and a few snake ornaments from her homeland, Jötunheim. The tunic itself is clipped together using an intricate golden clasp, a symbol of unity for the Jötnar. The brown leather corset around her lower stomach was made using traditional Jötnar design work and craftsmanship. Along her belt she has rings hanging so she can collect harvested resources. She also wears a leather bracer on her right arm made from animal hide with a bronze arm band on the end, to finish her arm piece, she wears an intricate metal design over it. On her hip she holds an indigo dyed leather back with orange dust sprinkled onto it, likely her paints. In terms of her shoes she wears brown, open-front boots with a vertical rib design, Keeping her boots lightweight and flexible, but durable, followed by a burnished copper boot guard.

Angrboda from God of War: Ragnarök


Shinobu is a petite young woman with a slender build and a pale complexion. She has large eyes that lack pupils, only a haze of gradient purple, making her eyes appear similar to those of insects. She has medium black wavy hair that fades into dark purple at the ends, styled at the back of her head into a flat yakai-maki bun, fastened with a white, turquoise and light purple butterfly ornament. She has center-split, ear-length, voluminous curtain bangs that flow down to frame the sides of her face, with two slightly thinner chin-length locks of hair in front of her ears below them. She stands out among the more physically imposing Hashira due to her diminutive stature and small frame, which is later reinforced by her mentioning that she does not possess enough physical strength to decapitate a demon as the others do. According to Zenitsu, Shinobu is so cute, that she could make a living on her looks alone.  Shinobu wears a dark purple standard Demon Slayer uniform with gold buttons, consisting of a dark-purple tinted straight-lined black jacket and matching colored tabi socks and hakama pants, tucked into white butterfly patterned Kyahan fading into pale turquoise then pink around her lower legs, fastened with white ribbons. Over her uniform, she wears a white haori that previously belonged to her older sister, which has a butterfly wing pattern that fades into a pale turquoise then pink color on the sleeves and hem which are cuffed with a black and white dotted trim. She wears white zōri sandals with purple straps for footwear, with a hidden blade in one of the heels.  When Shinobu was fourteen, her appearance was altered slightly. Her chin-length strands of hair in front of her ears were tucked in, and she had a different Demon Slayer uniform consisting of silver buttons and cloth a darker shade of purple. She also sported a plain white haori over it.

Shinobu from Demon Slayer


Photo of a long spindly looking dragon. She is blue in color with a darker shade on her back and a lighter shade on her stomach, arms, and face. She has short dorsal fins on her back and possesses white-bluish-violet hair as a mane and a small tuft of her at the end of her tail. She has two dark blue horns with swirls on top of her head and has a snout with sharp teeth. Additionally, Sisu has big purple eyes. She has two horns at the top of her head, patterned with an intricate design.

Sisu from Raya and the Last Dragon


Photo of a majestic Elder Dragon with sleek, grey fur cascading from its head to its powerful back. Its eyes gleam with a blend of green and blue, and two imposing horns crown its regal visage. The dragon's mouth, a mesmerizing blend of green and blue, reveals the inner fire of its breath. Enormous wings stretch wide, and a tail snakes behind, adorned with scales of a blueish dark-grey hue.

Elder Dragon from League of Legends


Photo of a woman who has has pale skin, poofy teal hair, mauve eyes, and hibiscus red spade-shaped marks on her cheeks. She wears a long, dark purple Gothic-themed dress with a brown ring at the waist, a large black sun hat with gray and white feathers and a thorny branch, a white cravat with a light purple crescent moon on it, long mauve gloves, and black flats with pale purple socks. Eclipsa also has maroon-colored lipstick and black mascara and purple eye shadow. Underneath her gloves, her hands are dark purple with purple veins sprouting out on her arms. Eclipsa also wears a wedding ring on the middle finger of her left hand.

Eclipsa from Star Vs The Forces of Evil


Gwen from Across The Spiderverse


Miles from Across the Spiderverse


Katara from ATLA


Toph from ATLA


Princess Yue from ATLA


Tsuyu is a short girl of a relatively slender build and has notably large hands. Her appearance is rather frog-like; she has a wide mouth, which dips down a little in the middle just like a common frog, and oval-shaped eyes with large, black irises, their lower eyelashes visibly pronounced. Amongst her family, Tsuyu's frog-like traits are the least pronounced. She also demonstrates some frog-like mannerisms, such as hopping on all fours instead of running and holding herself in a way that is somewhat connotative of a frog.  Her hair is a dark sea-green color and is very long, reaching to her waist with the ends tied together at the bottom in a large bow of hair. She has two shoulder-length clumps framing her face and shorter bangs between her eyes, some partially swept to each side.  Her hero costume consists of a bright green turtleneck bodysuit, tan-colored gloves with large buckles on each wrist guard, and two matching belts, one above her breasts, a strap at either side going around her shoulders, and one around her waist, little green dots embedded into it all the way around. Two black lines run down her suit, each framed with yellow, and she wears tight black boots with markings in the shape of a "V" on her thighs and green webbed flippers resembling frogs' toes on her feet. She wears a headband with a color matching that of her gloves and goggles with dark green-tinted lenses attached on either side.

Tsuyu Asui from My Hero Academia


Fumikage is a short young man with the head of a black bird, possibly supposed to resemble that of a crow or a raven. He has a tan, yellowish beak, which is slightly hooked down at the end, thin, red eyes with a small black pupil, one on each side of his head, and a red choker, which he rarely removes. Despite the appearance of his head, however, his body looks like an average human, with relatively fair skin. After his internship training with Hawks, Fumikage has become more muscular. After the Paranormal Liberation War, he gains a scar on his left foot as a result of Dabi's flames.  His costume consists of a black robe that is tinted a dark purple where light hits it, covering his entire body, only stopping halfway down his shins and knee-high black boots. During the Joint Training Arc, it was revealed that under this cape, he wears a dark t-shirt, wristbands, a pair of baggy pants similar to the ones Katsuki Bakugo wears in his hero costume, and utility belt with a double pin buckle.

Fumikage Toyokami from My Hero Academia


Shoto is a moderately tall and rather muscular young man who is well-built for his age. He has short hair that doesn't pass his neck, and wears bangs, parted twice to avoid obscuring his vision.  His hair is evenly split between white on his right side and crimson red on his left, this unusual coloring being due to his Quirk. As another result, he also possesses heterochromia iridum, which causes his left eye's iris to appear turquoise, while his right is a brownish dark gray.  His eyes, in shape, are quite thin and reserved. Additionally, he has a large burn scar on the left side of his face, which reaches from his hairline to halfway down his cheek. He usually has a serious expression. Despite this, however, several of the girls in his class have claimed that he is handsome and Mina Ashido even goes as far as to say that he's the best-looking guy in Class 1-A.[3]  He wears the regular male U.A. uniform during school hours, replacing the usual brown dress shoe with casual pale cyan and gray lace-up sneakers.  In his initial hero costume, he wears a plain off-white shirt with matching pants and boots, with two gold-colored straps going over his shoulders. He has what appears to be a material resembling ice covering his whole left side, even his head, although it is detachable, which he wears to reject the fire aspect of his Quirk.  His updated hero costume consists of a dark blue jacket with elbow-length sleeves, its collar high and joined in the center by a gray neckpiece, baggy pants of the same color, a metal-plated combat vest and white boots, their soles and a thin line running down the center of each of them a darker pale gray. He also sports a brown utility belt around his waist, with little metal capsules containing medical supplies hanging off the front.  Later, in the Provisional Hero License Exam Arc, his costume gains two burgundy wrist guards with metal plating, which help regulate his body temperature after his attacks, and his boots now have a set of straps.  Sometime during Spring Break, Shoto further upgrades his costume, which has some visual similarities to his father's second costume. His wrist guards now feature armor-like bracing and are accompanied by plating from his wrist to his knuckles. His jacket now features a large gray-blue T-shaped stripe going from his waist to his armpits, and his utility belt now holds two large canisters along with his medical supplies. His costume is also a darker shade of blue than his earlier costumes.

Shoto Todoroki from My Hero Academia


Reiko is a pale-skinned young woman of average height. She has chin-length, pale gray hair parted on her right, which obscures the majority of the left side of her face. She has dark bags under her blue eyes and a small mouth with full lips. Her hands are usually held up as high as her elbows with her hands draped down, this gesture being somewhat connotative of a ghost.  Her hero costume consists of a pale purple, knee-length kimono with a white, furred collar, three dark straps around her waist, black knee-high socks, and a black mask that covers her face from the bridge of her nose down, somewhat like the one always worn by Mezo Shoji.

Reiko Yanagi from My Hero Academia


Setsuna is a young girl of average height with surprisingly large, upturned, dusky green eyes, long lower eyelashes, and notably long and pointed teeth. Her hair is a dark moss green, collectively reaching just below her shoulders aside from a short clump that hangs in the center of her forehead, and it grows wavier and thinner the lower it gets.  Her hero costume consists of a purple, scaly mask over her eyes, a simple bodysuit with a matching design, and black knee-high boots. Setsuna wears black fingerless gloves with orange, three-piece wrist-guards and a belt around her waist with what looks to be a jewel embedded into the center.

Setsuna Tokage from My Hero Academia


Himiko is a fair-skinned girl who is prone to blushing and is frequently described as having a pretty face. She has inward-tilting yellow eyes with thin slit-like irises, somewhat resembling those of a cat, and her wide mouth is also rather feline, as her canines are pointed and longer than the rest of her teeth, giving her a vampiric appearance. Her hair is a pale, ash-blonde color and is styled into two messy buns, with numerous wild strands sticking out, a straight fringe and two chin-length side bangs framing her face.  Her usual outfit consists of a plain seifuku with a Kansai collar, both the skirt and the shirt dark blue with a double white trim, which is paired with a red scarf that she ties loosely below. Over this, she wears an oversized beige cardigan with a long hem and cuffs, and pockets on either side, the right one shown to hold a number of trinkets on either a keychain or a cellphone strap.[5] She sports knee-length black socks and dark brown outdoor school shoes. She sometimes wears a duffel coat, which was gifted to her by Skeptic after she damaged her old one in her fight against Curious.  In her villain attire, she wears the same outfit but with a few additional gadgets: her piped black mask, the green boxes of knives strapped around her thighs; a blue utility belt around her waist with more boxes attached to it on either side. The most distinguishing feature is the loose black mask she wears around her neck, which is decorated with pieces of pale gray metal in the shape of a carnivorous grin. Three large silver canisters are attached to the sides of her mask; the needles poking out connect to the two larger cylinders strapped to the back of her belt, this is the mechanism by which Himiko uses to suck people's blood for her Quirk.

Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia