About Me

Meet Me! Your Life Coach

So, who the heck am I and why I am your new Life Coach? I'm Michelle, and I have a deep commitment to seeing each person evolve to reach their full potential. I am also a lifelong student of many disciplines, including my own continual efforts in individual therapy, creative expression such as classical violin, consulting, and leadership development.

In addition to 10+ years of workshops and professional development courses ranging from time management, project management, communication and behavioral assessment/modification, I have an extensive background in-and love for-learning what makes individuals tick and getting group dynamics to work! "Be the harmony you want to see," am I right?

Technical Qualifications

BA, UC Berkeley. What a beautiful campus and experience! Here I studied Legal Theory, Sociology and Cultural Anthropology. I also taught a student-run, faculty-sponsored music class in DJing!

MBA, Brandman University. What started as a finance track grew to be so much more! During grad school, I honed in on Organizational Behavior, Org Design, Human Resources Management and Leadership.

SHRM-CP (W2018). This is a professional certification dedicated to the highest standards of ethics, sound judgement, professionalism, communication, transparency and accountability.

MCELC, Empowerment Coach Academy. And finally - The Masters level certification takes the Associate and Professional level Life Coach certifications to new heights to ensure you are getting the best coaching available for your individual goals. A rigorous minimum of 200 hours plus hours upon hours of fieldwork is no walk in the park, but I am here to share these wonderful, life-changing skills and insights with you.