28-29/11, 05-06/12, and 12-13/12,


Malaysian Local Conference of Youth

Brought to you by the Malaysian Youth Delegation

A six-day Regional youth climate summit

virtual talks and workshops OVER 3 WEEKENDS

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

The theme of MY LCOY 2020 is Mobilising for a Green Post Covid-19 Recovery.

At MY LCOY 2020, the youth will examine and highlight the solutions and systemic changes that are needed to properly address climate change and ensure the post Covid-19 recovery is green and environmentally sustainable. MY LCOY 2020 will cultivate climate-conscious Malaysian and Southeast Asian youths to take on future leadership roles. These future leaders will be able to lobby for and lead the much needed transformations of the economy and society in line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and ensure the new post Covid-19 world is more environmentally sustainable than the world that was overturned by the pandemic. In order to mobilise youth and build their capacities to lobby for and eventually lead Malaysia and Southeast Asia’s environmentally sustainable post Covid-19 recovery, MY LCOY 2020 will focus on these five interdependent tracks through national, regional, and global lenses:

  1. Climate Finance, Green Economy, and Green Jobs

  2. Sustainable Cities, Local Communities, and Local Action

  3. Nature-based Solutions

  4. Climate Policies and Governance

  5. ASEAN's Potential for Climate Leadership

For inquiries regarding MY LCOY 2020, please contact:

The Malaysian Youth Delegation at mylcoy2020@gmail.comn

The Speakers

Click Below to register for The only lcoy in ASEAN this year!