About MYD

MYD is a Malaysian civil society organisation made up of young passionate Malaysians. Established in 2015, MYD provides a unique, one-of-a-kind training ground for aspiring young Malaysians aged 18-35 years old to be engaged in policymaking and advocacy in the climate realm at local and international levels. MYD is the only youth-led organisation in Malaysia that focuses on climate change policy and negotiations, providing a platform for curious and interested youth to explore the world of climate agreements.

MYD plays a two-part role of representing Malaysia’s local youth climate movement and raising awareness of climate policies among Malaysians. We represent Malaysian youth at international climate conferences, such as the annual Conference of the Parties, which is part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Dedicated to making international and domestic climate policies accessible to Malaysians, the MYD youth are mentored and trained to translate technical policies into relevant and relatable information for the public. MYD holds speaking engagements with various climate organisations to better understand the current landscape of local and international climate policy. Additionally, MYD organizes various information sessions and workshops to educate the public of latest updates going round in the climate policy world. MYD endeavours to hold Malaysian leaders accountable for the promises made at international climate summits.