Basics number two


Second basics are the continuum of our first basics and are probably the most important in Karate - representing the philosophy and style of Karate – Blocking and Counter-attacking. Since we are never the aggressor this fits especially with Shotokan Karate and with the philosophy of Shotokan to be able to score – with one technique – a punch, kick or strike.  

For students reaching at this level it's important to show the ability of being able to execute the techniques with conviction.

Basics Guidance. 

Moving forward:    ➡️

Moving backward:  ⬅️

Moving both ways: ↔️

(ze) is for - zenkutsu dachi

(ko) is for - kokutsu dachi

(ki)  is for - kiba dachi

Performed for:

6th Kyu 

5th Kyu 

4th Kyu

 Each technique finishes with the hands in the front — kumite - freestyle sparring — or morote uke - two handed / augmented block — of your choice.

 Apply "KIAH" on the last technique of each set - speed - power - and correction of the techniques where appropriate.

 All basics are repeated three times.

Let's go! 

Karate begin with courtesy and finishes with courtesy – so get the following right.

Presentation — Start by performing — heisoku dachi or musubi dachi — and bow (rei) — and then back to — shizentai

Next — start by moving in front with the left leg and do — hidari gedan barai - zenkutsu dachi — then pull back your hands to — (kumite) ready position (fighting position)

1  ze - kizami zuki - gyaku zuki  ➡️

2  ze - jodan age uke - gyaku zuki  ⬅️

3  ze - chudan soto uke - gyaku zuki  ➡️

4  ze - chudan uchi uke - kizami zuki  ⬅️

5  ko - chudan shuto uke - tate nukite - ze  ➡️

6  ki - gedan barai - gyaku zuki - ze  ⬅️

7  Using the front leg turn into — zenkutsu dachi — with hands in ready position (kumite) and follow on:
»  ze - chudan kizami mae geri - jodan mae geri  ➡️

8  Using the back leg turn into —  zenkutsu dachi —  with hands in ready position (kumite) and follow on:
»  ze - chudan kizami mawashi geri - jodan mawashi geri  ⬅️

9  Using the front leg turn into — kiba dachi — with hands in ready position (kumite) and follow on:
»  kosa dachi - (with the same leg do) - gedan yoko geri keage - jodan yoko geri kekomi  ↔️

»  repeat  7, 8 and 9  in the same order — in the front stance — including the side-kicks

»   repeat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6  in the same order forward and backwards

End of performance — go back to — shizentai — and then to — heisoku dachi or musubi dachi — and bow (rei) to finish


Terminology  notes 

»  Heisoku Dachi –  Informal attention stance closed foot stance - feet together with inside of heels and big toe touching
»  Musubi Dachi –  Formal attention stance-feet together with inside of heels touching but with toes apart, pointing outwards and forming a "V" shape

»  Shizentai –  Natural stance
»  Kizami  –  (as in kizami geri) indicates using the front left
»  Kosa dachi –  Cross feet stance

»  Jodan –  Upper level, area above neck

»  Chudan –  Middle level, torso area

»  Gedan –  Lower level, area below torso

»  Tate Nukite –  Vertical Spear Hand Strike
»  Morote uke –  Two handed or augmented block
»  Kekomi –  Thrust

»  Keage –  Snap 

Good to know!

Training philosophy - Kihon - (basics) number 1, 2, & 3 are designed for those students who are bright and the others that need a hand in starting. Instead of adding each grade extra technique and getting confused, we have created a long version of Kihons. The students are encouraged to learn and perform the full set of Kihons from the first grade.

However, for those students who cannot do the full set - are allowed to perform a satisfactory percentage showing improvement on each grade. On the last grade of each set of Kihons the student must have learned it all.

By this time – we believe that the student had the opportunity and enough time to learn the Kihons property, without any excuses.

Practice with care 🙏 Usu! 🥋

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