Neuro-balance therapy

Scared to walk. Scared to leave the house maybe. Scared to walk up and down stairs… As you slowly lose your independence right before your eyes.

And along with that will come the depression, sadness, loneliness and more. Which can have disastrous effects on your health and mental well being as well.

Those who experience these symptoms along with a fear of falling, have higher mortality rates, higher incidences of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and more.

And then if you did fall, the data is plain as day. It’s not a happy ending. 40% of seniors who fall and break their hip, pass away on average 6 months later.

And many who do survive past this 6-month mark, never walk the same again.

Which usually means being placed in a nursing home for the rest of your life, or if you can afford it, a full-time home health aide.

But here’s the beautiful thing about all of this - it never has to happen because when you go with option 2, you’ll be taking care of a problem that doesn’t have to exist. There’s still time to regain the independence and mobility that’s been slipping through your fingertips.

With Neuro-Balance Therapy, you’ll get started right away and almost instantly, begin to feel more responsive and balanced with each step you take. With Neuro-Balance Therapy You’ll Revive Your Body’s Natural Ability To Move Around Feeling Strong, Stable And Balanced With Each Step.

Whether you’re in your home or out and about. And it all starts with the wildly simple 10-second ritual using this weird looking rubber ball every morning before starting your day.

This life-saving protocol steeped in real-world results and groundbreaking research has been combined in one to get you back up and skipping around like you were years younger without the fear of falling haunting your every step.

And just so you know, this has nothing to do with signing up for a gym, visiting a chiropractor, physical therapist, doctor or buying a special pair of shoes.

What this protocol does is take you by the hand and gently guides you through the same program to revive the deep peroneal nerve in your foot that supports stable, long-lasting balance regardless of your age or situation.

All in the safety of your own home.