How to use

How to use MyFORTHshell.exe

Connect your MCU card to an Serial port on your PC [USB].

Start the execution of the file MyFORTHshell.exe.

The main window in MyFORTHshell functions as a Terminal emulator. Currently MyFORTHshell does not handle ANSI Escape commands.
They are simply suppressed in Scamp2 MCU mode.
But a seperate Windows Console window that can handle ANSI Escape codes can be opened from MyFORTHshell !
Both "consoles" runs in parallel.

The first action is to choose the  Processor-Type.

From Ver. 6.0 you can chose Font details and background color in both the Terminal and FileEditor window.

Then setup the serial port by clicking on Serial-Setup
(ESP32: "Your COM port", 115200 Baud, 8, 1, None, None)
Once the serial port has been selected , click on Connect.

If the link is correctly established with the MCU, you should have the standard OK prompt from FORTH. Maybe you just have to press the Enter key.

This window can be used as a Terminal to take control of the MCU.

OBS: If using a ESP32 MCU, you will also have a special command-line in the bottom. Nothing is sent from this to the processor, before you hit the ENTER key. Therefore you can edit your commands here. Recall former commands, by using the Up- and Down-arrow keys (give it a try after you have entered some words/commands).

If you enter data, commands etc. in the console window,  just after the FORTH prompt, all key entries are sent immediately as in most terminals.
Therefore you can use FORTH's KEY, ?KEY EXCEPT etc.... from here. These will not work ind the special command-line.

To create, edit or send a sourcefile to FORTH, click on File -> SourceFile Window, or on the the big button with same text.

In this new window, click on File -> Open a source / text file.  Select the file to send or edit.
Or, start here from scratch and create a new source file in the editor:

Interactive editor
You can edit in this Source window, and save a modified version etc....
The source window can in other words be used a an EDITOR.
And you can make temporary changes in the file, in the SOURCE window, before sending the source to the MCU.
If changes works better, you can save the modified code in the same file again, or give it a new filename.
If you see a RED DOT in upper right corner, source has been changed/updated. If you click on the RED DOT you will be prompted to save file, where it came from.

How to upload source to you MCU/Processor
Once the file is selected, and maybe edited, click on Send ALL text to processor.
OBS: You can also mark part of the source file lines and upload only the thereby selected line(s), by clicking on Send selected text.
And of course you can Include other files - see more here

If the FORTH compiler encounters an error and issues the message "COMPILE ONLY", MyFORTHshell will make a pause in uploading, to report the error. From there you can choose to continue, or stop the uploading process.

Command history (ESP32FORTH command line)
In the terminal window you have a sort of COMMAND history too.
FORTH has no such history, but you can resuse, edit, cut and paste in this terminal window.
If you hit the ENTER key on one of the lines, it will be sent to the MCU.