CONSOLE - ANSI Escape codes

Using a Windows based Console you can use ANSI Escape sequences to control font- and background colors, bold etc...

MyFORTHshellConsole is included In MyFORTHshell from version 4.0.

Via the top left icon in MyFORTHshellConsole you can change font type, size etc....

ANSI Escape codes are supported in all newer/updated Windows 10 systems.

OBS: You can change font, size etc....
by clicking the icon i the top left corner of the form!

Each ESP32FORTH "CR" (i.e. New line) word, resulted in TWO lineshifts, and Windows Conlole reacts on both $0D and $0A with a new line..

All $0D are now removed before being send to the ANSI Console.

If you really will have control over the Windows ANSI console via ESCape code, checkout this fine document: 

MyFORTHshellConsole is working in parallel with the standard screen terminal window.