The righteous pass away; the godly often die before their time. And no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come.2) For the godly who die will rest in peace." We cry when our loved ones die, but are crying because we will miss them, or because we have nowhere or no one to turn to? God is going to send Jesus down to rescue his own. So we should be shouting now for God to save us.

 My Mother's Gods  Ngozi John (bio)   My mother has two Gods. One she shouts at, praying to in incomprehensible words, pouring spittle on my face in the mornings when I kneel before her to receive the blessings of the day. That same God lives in the small bottle of olive oil which she smears on my forehead for protection. She would shout loud enough for my step mother to hear, "Every evil eyes in this house that look at you will be blind, they and their children," and more spittle will mix with oil on my forehead.

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My mother went to church the next Sunday. She raised her hand when it was testimony time. She made the congregation shout hallelujah seven times. She told them about how God delivered her husband from a strange woman. Then she shook her buttocks side to side as she danced to the receptacle to put in a brown envelope.

The congregation then joined in singing the hymn, "Shall We Gather at the River," words and music by Robert Lowry. The hymn was followed by a prayer and silent meditation led by Rev. Hope Johnson. She said, in part, "Once again the earth turns its faith northwards toward the sun, and regardless of the temperature outside and the drizzle, young summer calls us away finally from winter's long look inward, so that our lives may settle, slowing into the long days of light. It is still too early to contemplate the final harvest or husk corn, but young summer invites transformation. It demands that we move into the larger world with hearts flung wide open, hands held wide open to this, our new season. Summer is young. We are called to sing and shout our praises with humble joy. Hallelujah, let it be so, now let it be so. Let us pray:

One preaches with those who are gathered in worship. I thought more people would be gone, but that doesn't seem to be the case, thank you for being here. I want to give a shout out for the internet community, and for all those who are out there in the virtual world, we thank you. For all those who have gone before, the saints, the souls, the forbears, who have articulated and preserved the tradition, the preacher's community that now resides, the prophets who challenged the tradition to transform, the heretics and resisters who said "wait, we're not getting this right"; to all those who through their looks, their spirit, their struggle, their love passed on something of meaning and value. I am talking about the ancestors. We carry them in our hearts because they carried us in theirs. One preaches always to the ancestors.

Before I got further there is a word from the lexicon. It is an ancient Hebrew word or a cry or shout of praise or joy. Some of you already know: it is hallelujah. Let the congregation say hallelujah. [hallelujah] If you have had an experience for which you wish to offer praise, let you say hallelujah. [hallelujah] If you had an experience that brought you joy, say hallelujah. [hallelujah] We have reclaimed and now we proclaim that word.

When we seek to know our ancestors' story, what obstacles did they face? How did they achieve liberation? For what were they thankful? What did they pass on to us? If we know more clearly who our ancestors were, we know more clearly who we are. Let us remember and honor the ancestors, those into which we were born, those into which we were adopted, ancestors of blood, ancestors of our generation, people who struggled so that they could pass on something of meaning to us. Let me hear the congregation say Hallelujah. [hallelujah]

Let us also remember and honor the ancestors and Unitarians, those who built our religious movement and our churches of freedom, reason, and tolerance, those who gave us sacred spaces to pray, raise our children, wherein the inherent worth and dignity of people is celebrated sacred spaces wherein the divine spark of all life is that great connection, that interdependent we: we worship with our Unitarian and Universalist and Unitarian Universalist ancestors. Let the congregation say hallelujah. [hallelujah]

And let us remember those ancestors who struggled for justice, those souls who resisted colonization and the colonization and genocide, those who struggled for civil rights, for women's suffrage, those stonewall souls, those wounded knees, those Tulsa race riots, those trail of tears, those Seneca Falls, those United Farm Worker souls, those Highlander Folk Schools souls, those Unitarian Universalist congregation and FULLBAC and BAWA souls, who passed on their strength, struggle and passion, so that we may take up justice in our time, we worship with them and let the congregation say hallelujah. [hallelujah]

If we want those who know us to gather at the river, shout hallelujah, call us ancestors, let us bless them, let us learn to see them and know them even before they are in our midst. Let us be the ones who bequeath peace; let us be the ones into whose eyes they may look, to learn how deeply they were loved even before they were born.

I would like you to think and reflect on the youngest human being that you know. They may be in the womb, they may be recently born. Ponder their name. And if you don't know their name they can be nameless one, or some special spiritual name that you gave them. I am going to ask you to shout out their name, and repeat it after me and it will be "beloved little soul." Hallelujah.

Rev. Sinkford extinguished the chalice, saying, "The General Assembly is coming to an end, but we will return to our congregations enriched by the things we have learned. Hold that spirit in your heart. Make what you have learned a blessing to your congregations. Together our tasks are set and we have much to do. Led by the sprit, let us become ancestors and go now in peace, go now in commitments, go now in love. And let the congregation say hallelujah! 2351a5e196

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