Pepper Spray VS Stun Gun - The Better Self Defense Weapon?

When you explore the market in search of self defense weapons, the two considerable options would be pepper spray and stun gun. These two are the smart weapons that people use to battle the attackers. It seems as if there is no other weapon surpassing these two. However, which of these two is the best? We are conducting a detailed comparison of the two weapons to conclude the better on. Here are the pros and cons of each of them:

Pros & Cons of Pepper Spray

A pepper spray is a small bottle of spray. It is like a red chilli spray that can cause damage to the eyes. It can cause irritation to the eyes and some burning effect that leads to temporary blindness. It has a share of pros and cons that we would explore here:

  • Ease of Use & Carry

A pepper spray is a small bottle of spray that can be carried in the pocket. It is so small that it fits well into the pocket. Also, it is very simple to use as you just need to push a button to spray it on the face of the attacker.

  • Temporary & Effective Damage

Pepper spray is a spray that contains capsicum as the active ingredient. It can cause some serious damage on the eyes of the attacker. That damage can lead to temporary blindness and some burning sensation. However the damage is temporary and no permanent damage is done to the eyes.

  • Self-Harm

The problem with the pepper spray is that it can cause harm to the user himself. If the wind is strong, the spray can come back to your eyes and cause damage to your eyes. So, self hard is quite a possibility with this self defense weapon.

Pros & Cons of Stun Gun

A stun gun is an electroshock weapon often used for self defense. Also, it is used for humane hunting in some countries around the world. It can immobilize someone with ease by delivering an electrical shock.

  1. Ease of Use & Carry

Like pepper spray, a stun gun is also a small and easy to carry weapon. It is small enough to fit into the pocket and hence it becomes easy to carry. Also, it is easy to use as you just need to touch the two prongs on it to the body of the attacker.

  1. Temporary & Effective Damage

The damage with the stun gun is temporary. When the two prongs on the stun gun are touched with the body of the attacker, a strong electrical shock is delivered to him. This immobilizes the attacker and puts him down. So, you can escape and save your life. The attacker may get back on his feet after some time.

  1. Safe to Use

Compared to the pepper spray, a stun gun is very safe to use. It features a safety switch that disables the ability of the stun gun to deliver an electrical shock. So, this makes it quite safe to use for the user himself. There is no such fear of self harm.


To conclude, I can say that each of these self defense weapons promises effectiveness. Both are non lethal weapons that cause temporary damage. However, the temporary damage is serious enough to put the attacker down. If I have to pick one, I will pick the stun gun over pepper spray because it is safer to use.