Brass knuckle knife

7 Key Facts About a Brass Knuckle Knife

There are several weapons available in the market, a brass knuckle knife is one of them. A brass knuckle knife is one of the most popular weapons for combat and self defense. This historical weapon is extremely popular due to its use in the World Wars. There are a few facts to know about this incredible weapon. Here are those facts revealed:

1. Brass Knuckle Knife - The Former Trench Knife

A brass knuckle knife was formerly known as a trench knife. It was the knife used in trenches by the US soldiers. This is why it is known as a trench knife. It was first created and used during the First World War. It was a pure combat and fighting weapon. There was a knuckle with a blade attached to it.

2. The Primary Fighting Weapon During WWI

During the First World War, the brass knuckle knife remained as the primary fighting weapon. It was used by the US soldiers to take on their enemies. It was needed by them during that time. They need a weapon to fight their enemies in the trenches. So, the trench knife was used as a primary close quarter combat weapon.

3. Secondary Fighting Weapon During WWII

During the Second World War, the trench knife was not the primary fighting weapon. Rather, it was used as the secondary fighting weapon. When a soldier lost his original fighting weapon, he then used this knife as an alternative weapon.

4. The Modern Knuckle Knife

Today, a trench knife is known as the brass knuckle knife. It is not as large as the original trench knife. A brass knuckle knife is now the most advantageous weapon used for combat and self defense. It is an extremely popular fighting weapon these days.

5. Excellent for Combat

What makes a brass knuckle knife excellent for combat is the use of two weapons at the same time. You have the access to two weapons, the brass knuckle and the knife. There is a powerful blade attached to the knuckles which makes it a perfect combat weapon.

6. Excellent for Self Defense

It is also excellent for self defense. You can use it against the attackers to get rid of them. With the knuckles, you can punch the attacker in his face. Using the blade, you can cause severe injuries to him. As a result, he would be injured and you can run to save your life.

7. A Costume & A Decor Item

A brass knuckle knife can also be used for decor purposes. It can be a display item placed in a display cabinet at your home or office. In addition, it can be worn as a costume on Halloween. Also, a great cosplay weapon.