1. ENGLISH - MIT 9.13 The Human Brain, Spring 2019 – 17 Videos

MIT 9.13 The Human Brain, Spring 2019 – 17 Videos

and for more information please visit the following web page in order to view the full course ...

Lecture Videos

1. Introduction to the Human Brain

2. Neuroanatomy

4. Cognitive Neuroscience Methods I

5. Cognitive Neuroscience Methods II

6. Introduction to the Human Brain

7. Category Selectivity, Controversies, and MVPA

8. Navigation I

9. Navigation II

10. Development, Nature & Nurture I

11. Development, Nature & Nurture II (2018)

13. Number

15. Hearing and Speech

16. Music

18. Language I

20. Theory of Mind & Mentalizing

21. Brain Networks

24. Attention and Awareness
