1. ENGLISH -  How to achieve the impossible ...

2024-04-10 Steve Jobs quoted ... and Elon Musk commented "Precisely" !

and ...

What If We Used the Full Capacity of Our Brains?


What If


May 16, 2019


Brain size relates more to proportion than it does to intelligence. Your brain is smaller than a whale’s because your body is smaller. However, your brain is structured in a way that enables you to survive, and succeed. But after all that, would you believe that humans only use 10% of their brains? Let’s make it 100%.


duration 03:59 minutes



and ...

1. ENGLISH -  How to achieve the impossible ...

Steve Jobs and Steven Kotler - How to achieve the impossible ...

Everything around you that you call life was made up by people  that were no smarter than you.


Every person who plays a sport, writes a song,  designs a product, or just lives their life is creating something built on their imagination,  experience, and what others have done before them.


The minute that you understand that you can poke life and actually something will - you know - if you push in, something will pop out the other side, that you can change it, you can mold it... that's maybe the most important thing.


Embrace it. Change it.  Improve it. Make your mark upon it.



What does it take to do the impossible when i say what does it take i'm not

being theoretical i mean what does it take step by step by step there's nearly a century's worth of neuroscience that shows that your mind and your body are actually designed to work at much higher speeds and with

much greater efficiency this is what this web page and the youtube videos provide you will learn the motivation skills you need to get in the game the grit and the goals you're going to need to stay in the game the accelerated learning skills that allow you to continue to play the creativity and innovation skills that allow you to steer and finally the flow skills that'll help you turbo boost the whole thing beyond all reasonable expectations.


It is exactly that it's a practical playbook for peak performance science has been translated into an easy to follow how to format that you can use to significantly improve your life and your performance it's also the end

result many decades studying those moments in time when the impossible became possible game changing breakthroughs paradigm shifting discoveries nothing is ever the same again feats.


1. peak performance tools,

2. master classes and key skills to help you jack up motivation hiding creativity and accelerate learning

3. free training to help you tighten focus and fight distraction




ENGLISH - please Google me 'NIACTEC' ... - The 'flow states' to achieve the impossible - The Basics and The Neurochemistry of the 'flow states'  - 11 Videos




Big Think - Get Smarter, Faster with videos from the world's biggest thinkers. – 105 Videos


