
An app for Mac, iPhone and iPad
to manage notes, tasks and documents

User manual

Copyright Massimo Nardello, Modena (Italy) 2021-2024.

The current version of the app for Mac is 1.8.25, for iPhone and iPad is 1.8.15 • For information about privacy, see below.

For the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), see below.

See also:thTimeline, an app to to create and manage chronologies


mxNotes is a free app for iPhone, iPad and Mac to manage textual notes, tasks (i.e., to-dos) and documents.

Each note, consisting of a title and a plain text, can have an expiration date and an indication of its completion. The expiration date may be recurrent (every day, every one, two, three, four weeks, every one, two, three, four, six months, every year). It's possible to attach to a note any kind of file (PDF, picture, file of Word, audio, etc.). This feature allows to archive documents and find them very easily. If the attachment is a picture, on iPhone and iPad it's available a button to open a preview of it, in which it's possible to pinch to zoom to visualize it better.

The text of the notes does not support neither formatting (italics, bold, lists, etc.) nor encryption. In addition to the fact that this simple format takes much less space than one that supports formatting, in mxNotes the text is designed to contain jottings, even very long, but not structured documents, for which the word processor (Word, Pages, Writer, etc.) remains the best option.

The use of the app supposes that the documents needing to be encrypted or formatted (for example, the minutes of a meeting) are written with the word processor in a file attached to the respective notes, and that the text of the same notes is reserved for simple remarks (e.g. the agenda of the meeting and the decisions taken), which can be tagged and found. Changes made to an attachment - if it is not a compressed file - are saved in the original file. So, the word processor may be considered as the editor of mxNotes, although only for the attached documents.

The notes and their possible attachments are automatically synchronized on iCloud between the various devices associated with the same Apple account. However, on each device it is possible to export the notes in plain text format or as a CSV file using tab as separator. This latter file can be opened with Numbers or another spreadsheet, or imported into other apps.

In the options of the app it is possible to enable the automatic synchronization of the notes having a deadline with the user's default calendar (see the Options and tools of the app). The title of these notes can then be viewed in the Apple's Calendar app. Each change made to these notes in mxNotes is mirrored in the calendar, but not vice versa. Their title is preceded by an emoji that can be changed in the options of the app  (see the Options and tools of the app).

The notes may be exported to Apple Reminders, and the tasks of Reminders may be imported in mxNotes (see the Options and tools of the app). In this way the user may easily fetch all the tasks already typed in Reminders, or go back to this app if mxNotes doesn't suit his or her needs without loosing the existing notes.

It is possible to disable iCloud synchronization in the device options. In this case, mxNotes stores the data exclusively in the device itself, without deleting any data already entered and synchronized on iCloud.

mxNotes requires iOS 16 or following on iPhone and iPad, and macOS 13 or following on Mac.

Ways to use the app

mxNotes is primarily used to manage tasks, but can also be useful to write notes of various kinds and store documents. Here are some examples of uses of the app. Click on the title to view the full description.

Meeting notes

Document management

Collection of ideas

Collection of pictures

List of websites

Reviews of books, movies, songs, recipes, restaurants, etc.

Version for iPhone and iPad


The look of the iPad version of the app is very close to the one for iPhone. The colors of the interface may be changed by the user.

Image 1 • List of all the notes
Image 2 • Detail of a note
Image 3 • Menu to tag a note
Image 4 • Deadline of a note
Image 5 • Menu to shift the deadline of a note
Image 6 • Menu to set the recurrence of the deadline of a note
Image 7 • Options and tools of the app
Image 8 • Tags (emoji) customizable by the user


Notes are displayed in a list (image 1), and by tapping on one of them the related details are displayed, i.e. the title, the date of the last modification (assigned automatically by the app), any possible expiration date, any possible indication of completion, the possible attachment and an unformatted plain text as long as necessary (image 2). To go back to the list of the notes, tap on the top left arrow within a circle.

In the list of notes (image 1), at the left of the title, there's a symbol that shows if the note has not been completed (an empty circle), if it has been completed (a circle with a check) or if it's expired (a yellow or red circle with an exclamation point). Under the title of the note there is the expiration date, if any, preceded by the icon of a paperclip if the note has an attachment and by the icon of a page if the note has a text. After the possible expiration date there's the icon of a hourglass followed by the number of days left until the deadline. LIke the circle mentioned above, if the expiration date is earlier than the current day, the details are printed in red, if it's equal to the current day, in yellow.

Below the list of the notes (image 1) there is their number (only of those filtered, if the filter is active). If there are expired notes, also hidden, a red bullet and the number of those notes are shown at the right of the numer of all the notes. When the notes with the emoji of the padlock are not shown (see the Options and tools of the app for more information, image 7), an icon of a padlock with a slash is shown close to the number of the notes.

At the right of these details there is a button with the keyboard icon to close the keyboard after having typed some text in the filter (only on iPhone, in iPad it's included in the keyboard), the app's options button (icon with two cursors) and the copyright button (icon of an "i" inside a circle). In the copyright, there is a link to this manual.

In the copyright, tapping on the app icon will move it away in the background by rotating - just for fun. By tapping on it again, it will return to its place. It's possible to tap on the icon also while it's moving backwards or foreward.

To update the notes, that is to show immediately the changes coming from another device and already synchronized in the background, swipe down the list of the notes.

In iPad or Mac, it's possibile to create more views of the app, to show together different notes or details of them.

‼️ Note that the details of the edited note are saved also when another note is selected. So, if a user leaves a note open on a device (Mac, iPhone or iPad), changes the same note on another device, and then goes back to the first device and switches to another note, the changes made on the second device are lost.

Likewise, on macOS a double click on a note in the list of the notes opens a second window to edit just that note. So, if in the main window of the app the same note remains selected, when the second window is closed and the user switches to another note in the main window, the changes made in the second window are lost. So, after having opened the second windows to edit a single note, go back to the main window of the app and select another note or nothing.

Filters and tags

Above the list of notes there is the filter field (image 1). When some characters are typed in this field, just the notes in which the title or the possible attachment name, or optionally the text (see the Options and tools of the app, image 7), contain these characters are automatically filtered. It is possible to type two or more words so that they both must be present in the filtered notes; to do this, just separate them with " && " (without quotes, there's a space before and after the two &). For instance, typing in the filter "report && Lisa" (without quotes), only the notes containing in the title and, optionally, in the text both report and Lisa will be shown. By tapping on the magnifying glass symbol, at the left of the filter field, the code " && " is automatically inserted, unless the code " || " is already present. The " && " code, infact, may be used only if the code " || " is not present.

It is also possible to type two or more words so that at least one of them should be present in the filtered notes. To do this, separate them with " || " (without quotes, there's a space before and after the two |). For instance, typing in the filter "report || Lisa" (without quotes), only the notes containing in the title and, optionally, in the text report or Lisa or both of them will be shown. By long tapping on the magnifying glass symbol, at the left of the filter field, the code " || " is automatically inserted, unless the code " && " is already present. The " || " code, infact, may be used only if the code " && " is not present.

If the ID of the note is typed or pasted in the filter, only that note will be shown - even the favourite notes will be hidden. To copy the ID of the current note in the clipboard, click on the button with the icon of a circle with dots inside, at the right of the modification date. The ID may be pasted in the filter or in the text of another note as  reference to the current note.

The circle button containing an "x" clears the filter and shows all the notes.

mxNotes allows to tag the notes by inserting at the beginning of their title one or more emojis that in the app have a particular meaning (image 3): 

By tapping on the label symbol, at the right of the filter field, a menu pops up to insert one or more of these emojis in the filter, thus filtering all the notes that contain them. To get rid of the order in which those emoji appear in the title of the notes, separate each of them with " && " (without quotes, there's a space before and after the two &), to search for all of them, or  " || " (without quotes, there's a space before and after the two |) to search at least for one of them. The menu opened by tapping on the label symbol inserts automatically the " && " code before a new emoji, if one is already existing, provided that the " || " code is not present in the filter. On the contrary, in this latter case it inserts the " || " code.

The menu items of the emoji already present in the title of the note are in red. To insert an emoji in the title of a note, just enter the detail of the note (image 2), tap on the label symbol and select the desired emoji in the menu. To remove an existing emoji, select it again in the menu. The emoji related to the priority of the note are mutually exclusive. Obviously it's possible to add or delete an emoji - even not present in the menu - using the keyboard, like any other character.

It's possible to add to a note one or more hashtags, although they are not shown as links. Type in the text of a note the tags among two hash (like #project003#), so that these tags can be found through the filter without any ambiguity (looking for a tag like #project0003 would find also #project0035).

To set a note as favourite, so that it can be always shown in spite of any possible filter, tap on the button with the star icon. To remove the mark, tap on it again. It's possibile to set a note as favourite or completed swiping it to the left in the list of the notes (image 1) and choosing the proper button. To delete a note, swipe it to the right and select the "Delete" button.

By repeatedly tapping the icon at the top left of the list of the notes (image 1) the notes are sorted by

These last two icons are red to indicate that not all the notes are shown, but – if no filter is active – only those with an expiration date and not completed in the first case, and those without an expiration date in the second. When the notes are sorted by expiration date, is a note marked as hidden is expired, it appears in the list of the notes even if the hidden notes are not shown, provided that no filter is present.

To sum up, the notes selected by the filter and those marked as favorites are always visible, regardless of their possible expiration, completion or the presence of the padlock in their title. In the other cases, a note is not displayed if even one of its characteristics makes it hidden, according to the following rules.

Sorting by modification date or title

Sorting by expiration date

Sorting by modification date

In the sorting by title, if there are emojis in this field, the notes will be sorted according to these emoji, and so to their type (Priority, Deadline, etc.). The alphabetical order of the emojis is the same of the menus.

If it's necessary to sort the notes by a specific date, like that of a meeting, start the title of the note with the date in the format year-month-day, after the possible emojis, and then add the title. For instance: "2022-05-12 • Meeting with the team". In this way, when the notes are sorted by title, they will be sorted by the date typed at the beginning of it.


To create a new note, tap on the button at the top right (icon with the "+"). On iOS and iPadOS, the details of a note are saved when going back to the list of the notes with the top left circular button with an arrow inside it. On Mac, they are saved automatically when it's selected another note, the app is closed or with the shortcut Cmd + S.

When a new note is created, the possible filter is removed, and if they are not sorted by title, they are sorted by modification date, so that the new note may appears at the top of the list.

In the details of the notes (image 2), it is possible to add, modify or delete the deadline date by tapping on the alarm icon at the right of the indication of the deadline; the suggested date will be three days after the current date. The calendar symbol with the "+" allows to add or update the deadline wih its possible recurrence, the calendar symbol with the "-" to cancel the deadline with its possible recurrence. The top left button with an arrow in a circle leaves the deadline unchanged.

At the top of the dealine (image 4) there's a button with the icon of a clock followed by the selected date which opens a menu useful to set forward the date of one or more days (image 5).

Tapping on the link below the calendar selects the recurrence of the due date (image 6); then it's necessary to tap on the calendar icon with the "+" to make the recurrence effective. When a recurrence is set, the alarm symbol is replaced with that of a clock inside circular arrows, both in the detail of the note and in the list of the notes. By tapping on the "Completed / Not completed" toggle, the expiration date is updated with the following one, and the activity is marked again as to be done. To be able to mark it as completed, remove the recurrence of its expiration date.

To add an attachment, tap on the icon with a paperclip and a square on the right and select the desired file. Once inserted, it can be removed with the trash can icon that will appear on the right. To view the file or send it to other apps, click on the icon on the left with a picture of an up arrow. If the attachment is a picture, at the left of its name there's a button with the icon of a photography which opens its preview. In the preview it's possible to pinch and zoom to show better the image.

If the button to share an attachment or preview it as a picture doen't seem to work, try again after few seconds. Simply, the attachment has been created with another device and has not yet been downloaded in the device in use. In this case, the download starts with a tap on the button to open or share the attachment or to show its preview.

To insert a new attachment, first remove the existing one.

In the detail of the notes, at the bottom, there are the following buttons, above and below the text (image 2).

Above the text:

Below the text:


It is possible to insert in the text of the notes various links to websites or files attached to any note, or external. Even if they are not formatted as such, links can be easily opened by Ctrl + clicking them and choosing the "Open Link" option. If this menu item doesn't appear, select the link and retry.

To insert a link to an external file, compose it as follows, replacing any spaces with %20


For instance,


To insert a link to a note attachment, write it as follows, replacing any spaces with %20:

file:///Users/[user-name]/Library/Mobile%20Documents/iCloud~org~nardello~icloud~mxnotes/Documents/[ID of the note in uppercase]/File%20name

For instance,


If Apple Mail is used, it's possible also to insert a link to an email into the text of a note. Select the desired message and then choose View - Message - All headers menus (⌘ ⇧ H). Then look for the email identifier, which appears in the middle of the text between two hooks and ends with the domain name of the email (e.g. <>). The link to the email must be written in the text of the note by typing message:// before the identifier (e.g. message://<>).

Options and tools

The options and tools of the app, which can be accessed with the button at the bottom right in the list of the notes (image 2), allow to customize or set the following elements (image 7):

This last option opens a form to customize the 12 customizable tags (image 8) identified by default by a colored circle or square and without any label. It's possible to modify their emoji, and their label as well.

The Notes marked as hidden, i.e. containing a padlock emoji, are not encrypted. Simply, they are not displayed, except when marked as favorite or selected by a filter, so as not to burden the normal view of the note list.

The changes are syncronized among the various devices of the user. Anyway, before customizing the tags, it's better to quit the app in all the devices not in use, to make the changes to the tags in the device in use, to wait for some seconds so that iCloud may conclude the synchronization and then to open the app in the other devices.

Version for Mac


The colors of the interface may be changed by the user.

The version of mxNotes for Mac is very close to the one for iPhone and iPad. Here are some differences:

Highlighting of parts of the text

The text of the notes cannot be formatted, but it is possible to use the emojis to highlight some parts of it (title, lists, links, etc.), in order to recognize them more easily and search for all the notes that contain them. Here's an example.


On Mac, and also on iPhone and iPad with a physical keyboard connected, the following shortcuts are available:

The list of shortcuts contains also those useful to insert the various tags.

Troubleshooting and hacks

To avoid this, do not modify the same note with a deadline in different devices at a few seconds of distance. Or remove the double items in the calendar.

open "/Users/[username]/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~org~nardello~icloud~mxnotes/Documents/"

Do not modify anything in this directory, because this could crash the app.


mxNotes is a free app, but there's no support available for users. To contact the author - not for technical support - send an e-mail to ms.nardello at the domain


Download.cnet - Mac version and iPhone/iPad version

Indie Apps Catalog





Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I use an app to manage activities and to take simple notes?

Although the use of paper or an agenda may seem the simplest and most immediate solution, the choice of using an app such as mxNotes allows you to:

Is mxNotes close to some Apple apps?

Basically, mxNotes replicates some features of both Apple Notes and Apple Reminders, while having a completely different structure. The much greater possibilities for exporting mxNotes data, however, allow the user to switch more easily to other apps, as well as view his or her data in a word processor or spreadsheet. Furthermore, those who are still tied to the paper format of notes and to-dos can easily create a printed version of their data created with mxNotes.

The absence of the formatting of the text of the notes is a limitation of mxNotes, which however represents an advantage when it comes to import its data into other apps. In this context, a formatted text would be difficult to be shown correctly, while the problem does not arise for a plain text like the one created by mxNotes. Furthermore, if it's necessary to write a formatted text, the word processor is the best choice. To compensate for the absence of formatting in the text of the notes of mxNotes - and therefore also of bulleted and numbered lists – emoticons can be used, as in the example above.

Putting together different data, doesn't it end up with a confusing archive?

Actually, mxNotes is designed to manage notes and activities of various scopes at the same time. To avoid a messed archive, it is necessary to tag the individual notes using the various emojis available from the appropriate menu or others of personal choice, and then display each time only the notes of interest. If each note has been appropriately tagged, it is very easy to filter only those of interest and work only on them. In this way, it’s not necessary to manage different lists, with the risk of forgetting where a note has been placed, or to move it from one list to another. Any hidden note (which includes the padlock emoji in the title) never appears, except when it is requested by a filter or set as preferred, to keep lighter the usual list of the notes.

What if I had to attach more files to a note?

The files may be compressed (zipped) and attached to the note as a single file.

Why are the notifications not possible for the notes with a deadline?

Since it's possibile to synchronize the notes having a deadline with the default calendar and benefit of the notifications of this app, there's no need to replicate this feature in mxNotes.

Why expiring notes don't appear on my calendar even though I have sync turned on?

Probably the default calendar is hidden. Check the Calendar app.

Why should I prefer mxNotes to other apps?

The apps that manage notes, documents and to-dos are countless, even on the App Store. The peculiarities of mxNotes can be summarized as follows:


mxNotes does not collect any user data and does not access to his or her pictures, files or to any other personal data. The access to the calendar and remainders is optional. The data created with the app are stored only on the devices of the user and possibly on his or her personal iCloud.