National Poetry Month

Pen & Palette Poetry Competition 23-24

The MVHS Pen & Palette is hosting a poetry competition in honor of National Poetry Month. The competition is open to all students regardless of if they are taking Creative Writing or not. The winner will earn a spot on the front page of the Pen & Palette, bragging rights (that can be used on college applications!), and half a dozen donuts. Below is a prompt detailing requirements for submissions to the competition.


Poetry can be written or recorded and submitted to THIS google form by April 26th. Email Ms. Pulupa, the Creative Writing teacher, if you have any questions ( Thank you and good luck!

Submissions are now closed. Please check in next year for a new poetry competition!

Poet's Corner

The Creative Writing class invites you to share your poetry during this National Poetry Month! In Ms. Pulupa’s classroom (C105), there is a corner that students are filling with their poetry. It’s a place to build community and express yourself through poetry. This will extend to the wall outside of their classroom (C105).

How do you get poetry on the wall? You must share poetry that you’ve written (or your favorite poem/song by someone else!) out loud to a group of people in Ms. Pulupa’s classroom (C105). This group could include anyone from your friends, staff members, classmates, teammates, etc. As long as you are sharing with 2+ other people, it’s fair game!

After you share your poem, you stick the written poem/song on the wall in Ms. P’s room and you earn candy/a small gift. Poems are read after school on Mondays during April as well as during all Major Times. Use THIS LINK to sign up to share a poem! 

Thank you! - MVHS Creative Writing & Ms. Pulupa

“these walls heard

me when no

one else could.

they gave my

words a home,

kept them safe.

cheered, cried, listened.

changed my life

for the better.

it wasn't enough.

but they heard

every last word.”

Tamara Ireland Stone, Every Last Word

Pen & Palette

This year, the Creative Writing class brought back the MVHS Pen & Palette, a Literary Magazine dedicated to showcasing student writing from both the Creative Writing class and the MVHS student population. Any creative written work is accepted as well as songs, photography, digital art, and more. Students are able to submit writing using THIS LINK.


HERE is a link to the first issue of the Pen & Palette. The second issue will be published the last week of April and will focus on poetry. 


Thank you so much for supporting creative writing and arts here at Mount Vernon High School and we look forward to reading your work!