Mount Vernon High School

Pen & Palette

Who We Are

Mount Vernon High School values artistic expression from students. One way for students to showcase their talents is through the Literary Magazine, "The Pen & Palette". The Pen & Palette is published three times per year, highlighting superior writing submitted by students in the Creative Writing class. Also featured are works of art and photography submitted by the MVHS student population.

Students taking Creative Writing compile, edit, and publish a new issue of the Pen & Palette in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters of the school year. Submissions from Creative Writing students and from the school are received before each issue. Of those submissions, only the best works make the cut. The Pen & Palette is available digitally, and students from all grades are represented. 

Mount Vernon High School as an pool of immense talent in the building -- writers, photographers, poets, artists -- and we encourage all students to send their best work to The Pen & Palette.

Submissions are open all year round. Each piece must be submitted separately.

Submit your work using THIS google form!

Latest Issues

Published January 29, 2024

Published: April 29, 2024

Published: May 24,2024

Submissions for the 2023-2024 school year are now closed. Submissions for the 24-25 school year will officially open August 19th, but students can submit pieces over the summer. We look forward to reading your writing next year!



Yariana Calo De Jesus (12)

Hello! My name is Yariana, I am a senior and I'm excited to be part of the leadership team for The Pen & Palette. This is my 2nd year in Creative Writing. I'm most excited about getting to see everyone's work and recognizing Mount Vernon's creative talent. My favorite style of writing is poetry :))  

Aiden Devers (12)

Hello! My name is Aiden Devers and I'm excited to be part of the leadership team for The Pen & Palette. This is my third year in Creative Writing. I'm most excited for getting to show off the work of writers here at MV. My favorite thing to write/style of writing is Flash Fiction as it's quick and can provide some challenge for writers who want a lot of detail. 

Kathleen Silver (12)

Hello! My name is Kate Silver and I'm excited to be part of the leadership team for The Pen & Palette! This is my first year in Creative Writing. My favorite things to write about are my original characters and stories!

Student Staff

Creative Writing 1

Creative Writing 2

Creative Writing 3

Pen & Palette Advisor

Hello! My name is Ms. Pulupa and I'm very excited and proud to be the literary magazine advisor and Creative Writing teacher this year! This is my second year at MVHS and my first year teaching Creative Writing. I'm so excited to see all of the incredible work from my Creative Writing students and from the entire MVHS population. I mainly write poems and lyrics, but I'm inspired by all the pieces that are submitted to the Pen & Palette. What I love most about writing is how there are so many ways to explore the art! Seeing students discover who they are and uplift themselves/others through writing is so inspiring as a writer, teacher, and human :)

Words can not express how proud I am of my students, who they are, and what kinds of writers they've become. I hope you enjoy the Pen & Palette! 


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