About us

We are a young and ambitious rhythmic choir based in Østerbro in Copenhagen consisting of singers from all over the world. 

MVE Copenhagen focuses on creativity, collaboration, fun and shaping a strong and cohesive ensemble sound

Our repertoire mostly consists of original arrangements of modern pop/indie songs.

 We enjoy twisted harmonies and surprising forms, but most of all we love making great music together.

Our directors

The choir is currently co-directed by Aleksandra Raczynska and Josh Herring. 

Aleksandra RaczyNska

Aleksandra Raczynska has worked with choirs for more than 5 years.

She holds a degree in jazz vocal and choir conducting from the Stanislaw Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdansk. She also studied at Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña in Barcelona, where she had the opportunity to create the Almadera band, which creates its own musical material on the intersection of jazz, folk, and pop. 

Aleksandra joined MVE Copenhagen as co-director in 2021.

Josh Herring

Josh Herring is a songwriter, performer, community musician and experienced choir director.

In 2018, Josh moved from the UK to study a Masters in Music Creation at Copenhagen's Rhythmic Music Conservatory, and later completed a Diploma in Artistic Research there as well. Leading three unique choirs, Josh is passionate about using music as a tool to create safe, inclusive spaces for people to express themselves.  

Josh joined MVE Copenhagen as co-director in 2021.