Common questions and answers:

Q: I'm having trouble registering on my iPad, what do I do?

A: iPad/Safari Settings that will eliminate errors- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdg_-CYMOVs&t=94s Follow these steps, close your browser and try again.

Q: I'm having trouble registering on my Mac using Safari, what do I do?

A: Macbook/Safari Settings that help eliminate errors- https://support.pearson.com/getsupport/s/Guided-Assistance?page=device/pearson/troubleshooter/troubleshooter/recommended-browser-settings/recommended-browser-settings/4

Q: What should I do if it asks me for a course ID?

A: Back up a step and Create a New Account. If it is telling you that you have an existing account, simply close and ignore that pop up (shown below) and continue to process the new account. As long as you are getting green checks, you will be allowed to move forward and it will allow them to process the registration. This most often occurs when a student has registered for one of the Math courses on campus prior to a Mastering course. Math uses MyLabsPlus and has a different enrollment process.

Q: How do I upgrade Temporary Access in MyLab or Mastering to full paid access?

A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcaVkET6Czo&list=PLRpRY65o3rxZJxEWiMAiXCVhmgAqd0ifA&index=6

Q: What about Temporary Access in Revel?

A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-NFgCMtEL4&list=PLRpRY65o3rxbACQKwSaP-Qu9gvUy4H4lj&index=6

Q: What should I do if it says Authentication Required?

A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHYy6BcaaGY&list=PLRpRY65o3rxbtTSEOinWxpk4nLViE-FHC&index=9

Q: What should I do if I need a refund?

A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKk-9efu924&list=PLRpRY65o3rxbtTSEOinWxpk4nLViE-FHC&index=13

Q: How can I get a printed book if I'm using Revel?

A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMVsic5rqmU&list=PLRpRY65o3rxbtTSEOinWxpk4nLViE-FHC&index=15

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