
Step One: Choose your Composer

Here are some options to start you off with but you are not limited to just the suggestions:

Baroque- Bach, Handel, Vivaldi

Classical- Mozart, Haydn, Salieri

Romantic- Beethoven, Schubert,Tchaikovsky, Chopin

Step 2: Start your research!

Consider these questions when researching:

Which composer are you planning on visiting?

When and where is this taking place? (Where did the composer live/work? When were they composing?) (Birth and death dates?)

What major works did the composer create? What kind of a composition is it/are they?

Why is this composer famous?

What is interesting about them? Did they start composing early/late in life? Inspiration/Influence?

Here are some resources to get you started:

Step 3: Put your information together into a presentation in Google Slides to be shared with the class. This slide show should be at least 5 slides long and should include pictures and be neat.

Step 4: Present to the class! Be ready to share what you have learned and show your presentation.

Step 5: Using Google Docs, write a journal entry of your trip and submit it. This is written in first person perspective. Explain why you want to meet them, where/when you go to in order to meet them, and what it was like. Have fun and be creative!

Here is a sample slide presentation:

Verdi WebQuest