Museum Media

Connecting Museums, Converging People


Between 1 - 27 July 2018


Museum Media:

Connecting Museums, Converging People

* Simultaneous Interpretation provide for all sessions.

1 August 2018

8.30-9.00 Registration (5th Floor)

9.00-9.30 Opening by Mr.Rames Promyen

Director of the National Discovery Museum Institute

9.30-10.30 Keynote 01 by Ms. Puawai Cairns

Head of Matauranga Maori/ Maori Collection, Museum of New Zealand

Te Papa Tongarewa, New Zealand

10.30-10.45 Coffee Break

10.45-12.00 Keynote 02 by Mr.Hans-Dieter Hahn

Former Curator at Jewish Museum, Berlin, Germany

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-15.00 Paper Presentation

Panel 01: Museum Media and Social Engagement and Development

Panel 02: Challenge Management in Museum Media (Thai Speaking)

15.00-15.15 Coffee Break

15.15-17.15 Panel 03: Museum Media, Universal Access, and Lifelong Learning (Thai Speaking)

Panel 04: Museum Media and Social Engagement and Development (Thai Speaking)

2 August 2018

9.00-9.30 Registration (5th Floor)

9.30-10.30 Keynote 03 by Mr. Wu Shao-chun

The section Chief of the Department of Education, Exhibition and Information

Services, National Palace Museum, Taiwan

10.30-10.45 Coffee Break

10.45-12.00 Keynote 04 by Ms. Karen Chin Ai Ying

Assistant Director, Education. Wildlife Reserves Singapore, Singapore

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-15.00 Paper Presentation

Panel 05: Digital Media in Museums

Panel 06: Public Programming as a Learning Media (Thai Speaking)

15.00-15.15 Coffee Break

15.15-17.15 Roundtable Discussion

Roundtable 01: Media Made but Unneeded, Needed but Unmade (Thai Speaking)

Roundtable 02: Curating Films for Museum and Art Institution (Thai Speaking)

17.15-17.45 Reflection

Full proposal and schedule : CLICK


Forum Location

The event will take place at the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthroplogy Centre , Bangkok, Thailand

**Registration at 5th floor