Call For Papers

Important Dates

Paper submission: August 3rd, 2023 AoE

Initial submission: August 3rd, 2023 AoE

Final submission:  August 6th, 2023 AoE

Author notification: August 27th, 2023

Camera-ready version: September 10th, 2023

Workshop: September 19th, 2023, Singapore (remote participation possible)

UPDATE: We extended the deadline until August 6th. A first submission including the title and authors of the paper must be created before August 3rd.

Call For Papers

Music recommendation is a vibrant area of scientific research, and is driving innovation in many aspects of the music industry. While multiple research communities contribute to advancements in music recommendation, there is today limited space for cross-pollination across researchers and practitioners from these communities. In order to contribute to filling in this gap, we invite the multidisciplinary research communities, from both academia and industry, to submit papers on methods for music recommendation topics such as

Submissions and Template

We welcome the following types of contributions:

The contributions will be submitted via CMT:

Authors should submit manuscripts that follow the format defined in the ACM Proceedings template in double-column and will be reviewed following a single-blind process. The selection of the contributions will depend on their relevance to the workshop, innovation, and research potential. Once the workshop is concluded, all accepted contributions will be publicly available on the workshop website.

Only papers using the above template and within the page limits will be considered.  Page limits are excluding references.