Keynote Speaker

Nancy Baym is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research New England. Her research work focuses on interpersonal relationships and new technologies. Baym is considered a pioneer in the field of internet research, as she wrote some of the first articles about online communities back in the early 1990s. She has authored several books, including "Playing to the Crowd: Musicians, Audiences, and the Intimate Work of Connection" (2018, NYU), which explores how digital communication platforms have transformed music artists' relationships with their fans. Other books include "Twitter: A Biography" (co-authored with Jean Burgess, 2020, NYU), "Personal Connections in the Digital Age" (2010, Second Edition 2014, Polity), "Internet Inquiry: Conversations About Method" (co-edited with Annette Markham, 2010, Sage), and "Tune In, Log On: Soaps, Fandom and Online Community" (2000, Sage).