MuRS 2024:
Call for Papers

Important Dates

(every deadline is 23:59, AoE)

Call for Papers

Music recommendation is a vibrant area of scientific research, and is driving innovation in many aspects of the music industry. While multiple research communities contribute to advancements in music recommendation in distinct ways, there are limited opportunities bringing researchers and practitioners from these communities together. With MuRS, we provide a forum where the many challenges of music recommendation are discussed jointly. We invite researchers, from both, various academic disciplines and industry, to submit papers on music recommendation topics that address but are not limited to: 

Submissions and Template

The workshop welcomes the following types of paper contributions:

The contributions are to be submitted via the joint workshop submission portal on EasyChair:
Make sure to select the “2nd Music Recommender Workshop” track when creating a submission.

For the submissions, authors should use the CEURART single-column template:, which is also available as an Overleaf template: Submissions will undergo single-blind peer review by at least two Program Committee members and will be selected based on relevance to the workshop, quality, novelty, clarity, and research potential. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work as part of the workshop and will be published as open-access workshop proceedings via At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop and present the work.

Only papers using the above template and within the page limits will be considered.