Curriculum Vitae


September 2009

Ph.D The University of Tokyo, Japan.

October 2006-September 2009

Ph.D Student at The Department of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Japan.

March 2005

M.A. The University of Tokyo, Japan.

April 2003-March 2005

Graduate Student at The Department of Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Japan.

March 2003

B.A. The University of Tokyo, Japan.

April 1999-March 2003

Undergraduate student at The Department of Techno-Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan.


May 2019-

The University of Tokyo, Japan.

Job Title: Visiting Associate Professor.

October 2017-

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan.

Job Title: Senior Research Scientist.

Major Responsibilities: Human augmentation, modeling and analyzing human neuro-musculoskeletal system, motion measurement, analysis and simulation, developing real-time motion analysis system.

April 2016-

Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan.

Job Title: Visiting Associate Professor.

April 2015-September 2017

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan.

Job Title: Research Scientist.

Major Responsibilities: Modeling and analyzing human neuro-musculoskeletal system, motion measurement, analysis and simulation, developing real-time motion analysis system.

April 2013-March 2015

The University of Tokyo, Japan.

Job Title: Project Assistant Professor.

Major Responsibilities: Modeling and analyzing human neuro-musculoskeletal system, motion measurement, analysis and simulation.

March 2012-March 2013

The University of Tokyo, Japan.

Job Title: Project Researcher.

Major Responsibilities: Modeling and analyzing human neuro-musculoskeletal system, motion measurement, analysis and simulation.

November 2011-February 2012

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.

Job Title: Postdoctoral Researcher.

Major Responsibilities: Modeling and analyzing human neuro-musculoskeletal system, motion analysis and simulation.

October 2009-October 2011

Disney Research, Pittsburgh.

Job Title: Postdoctoral Researcher.

Major Responsibilities: Modeling and analyzing human neuro-musculoskeletal system, motion analysis and simulation, and character animation with musculoskeletal model.

April 2005-September 2006

Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Work, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries co. LTD.

Job Title: Engineer.

Major Responsibilities: Manufacturing control of TBM.

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