
Photo by Kelly Sikkema

Are there rules?

The "rules" of an unconference are simple:

  • Rule #1: Whoever shows up are the right people.

As a participant, this means you have permission to stay at a session as long as it is relevant to you.

As a session convenor, this means that three or thirty people in a session is a success: you have the people in the room who are interested in your topic.

  • Rule #2: Whatever happens is fine—there is no such thing as failure at an unconference.

That's right — this means there's no "right way" to lead a session. Keep in mind of the spirit of the unconference: it's about the conversation, so the more interactive, the better.

  • Rule #3: When a session is over, it's over.

We'll have sessions scheduled for an hour, but you're not expected to fill that time—if it everyone in a session agrees that the session is over, it's over!

An unconference has a set structure but no predefined topics.

An unconference is more about a conversation than a presentation.

How do I prepare? What should I expect?

Don't prepare too much!

If you're planning to be a participant, you just need to be ready to go with the flow and be an active participant in the session you select to attend.

If you're interested in proposing a topic and being a session leader, great! Spend some time to think about the topic and what you'd be interested in. You can see more about suggested topics and session types here.

The process to share and select topics will be a fully-facilitated process. Just come with your idea and we will help take care of the rest.