Beyond Borders Volume II Issue 2.pdf
Beyond Border (Volume 2 Issue 1).pdf
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2nd Quarter Monitorette FEB 16, 2023.pdf
Festival of Learning 2023 .pdf

MunSci’s New Principal, 

Dr. Florante C. Marmeto

By: Avaseia Arwen Danga

When one bids goodbye, another one approaches. That’s the course of life. And with this inevitable comes the appearance of Muntinlupa Science High School’s newly appointed principal, Dr. Florante C. Marmeto.

Dr. Marmeto was warmly welcomed by MunSci as the new principal during the Turn Over Ceremony last July 30, 2021. He was the former principal of Muntinlupa National High School where he served the school for almost 7 years, and was then transferred to Pedro E. Diaz High School last January 11, 2021 until July 31, 2021.

MunSci can surely expect to maintain its name as the crème de la crème of schools in Muntinlupa with having Dr. Marmeto around as its leader for he has many experiences as the former principal of several schools, not to mention his other achievements as well.  

He received notable recognitions and awards, including being our country’s representative in the 5th Leadership Academy for School Principals which was held in Seoul, South Korea on October 2014. He was also given the 2017 Centennial Outstanding Secondary School Principal Award for his accomplishments and strategies as a leader. In fact, his leadership journey was even included in a coffee table book by SEAMEO INNOTECH (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization – Innovation and Technology) which features education leaders and managers in Southeast Asia when it celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Dr. Marmeto had also written and co-authored books about mathematics and was also the resource person in several events and programs.

Throughout the years, he has gained a lot of experience and continues to improve and widen his knowledge both as a teacher and a principal. From a humble math teacher to being an experienced leader, he surely has come a long way before getting to where he is now. With his exceptional leadership, MunSci can rest in the fact that they will be led by a person who will continue to bring pride to its name. Dr. Marmeto may just have been around for two weeks, but we can put our trust and hope in him for the next school year and the upcoming years that he will improve MunSci beyond its boundaries.  




The GADering Magazine
