Stress Analysis of Biomedical Implants

The aim of this research is to restore perfect knee motion after total knee replacement (TKR) with novel implants. The target population is for the Korean group as majority of implants used in Korea are imported that are optimized for the Caucasian group. Both population groups have a unique set of requirements in post-surgical activities that put their knee joints under extreme cases of mechanical loading – Koreans frequently perform very high knee flexion activities such as squatting or cross-legged sitting. This aspect, however, has not received enough attention in implant research and development which so far has focused mainly on Caucasian populations. We will provide a solution to this problem using a multidisciplinary and multiscale approach that promotes complete patient-specific management of TKR from pre to post-surgery. This can help in opening the domestic market of knee implants that are better suited for the Korean population.