I also would love the turbo muin to be supported. I have a 2013 model and already use it in combination with a Wahoo speed/cadence ant+ sensor on Trainerroad. If they can do it, it must be easy for you Zwifty programmers.

moina (2) adj. "safe, secure" (GL:58; this "Qenya" word is evidently obsoleted by # 1 above. This second moina seems to reappear as muina "hidden, secret" in Tolkien's later Quenya.)

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The concentration o maria on the Near Side likely reflects the substantially thicker crust o the helands o the Faur Side, that mey hae formed in a slaw-velocity impact o a seicont muin o Yird a few tens o millions o years efter thair formation.[45][46]

A permanent asymmetric muin dist clood exists aroond the Muin, creatit bi smaw particles frae comets. Estimates are 5 tons o comet pairticles strike the Muin's surface ilk 24 oors. The pairticles strike the Muin's surface ejectin muin dist abuin the Muin. The dist stays abuin the Muin approximately 10 meenits, takkin 5 minutes tae rise, an 5 minutes tae faw. On average, 120 kilogrammes o dist are present abuin the Muin, rising tae 100 kilometers abuin the surface. The dist meisurments war made bi LADEE's Lunar Dust EXperiment (LDEX), atween 20 an 100 kilometres abuin the surface, in a sax-month period. LDEX detectit an average o ane 0.3 micrometer muin dist pairticle ilk meenit. Dist pairticle coonts peaked during the Geminid, Quadrantid, Northren Taurid, an Omicron Centaurid meteor shawers, whan the Yird, an Muin, pass throu comet debris. The clood is asymmetric, mair dense near the boondary atween the Muin's dayside an nichtside.[83][84]

The Muin uised tae rotate at a fester rate, but early in its history, its rotation slawed an becam tidally locked in this orientation as a result o freectional effects associatit wi tidal deformations caused bi Yird.[93] Wi time, the energy o rotation o the Muin on its axis wis dissipatit as heat, till thare wis no rotation o the Muin relative tae the Yird. The side o the Muin that faces Yird is cried the near side, an the opposite the faur side. The far side is eften inaccurately cried the "daurk side", but it is in fact illuminatit as eften as the near side: ance per lunar day, in the new muin phase we observe on Yird whan the near side is daurk.[94] In 2016, planetary scientists, uisin data collectit on the muckle earlier Nasa Lunar Prospector mission, foond twa hydrogen-rich areas on opposite sides o the Muin, probably in the form o watter ice. It is speculatit that thir patches war the poles o the Muin billions o years aby, afore it wis tidally locked tae Yird.[95]

The Muin haes an exceptionally law albedo, giein it a reflectance that is slichtly brichter nor that o worn asphalt. Despite this, it is the brichtest object in the sky efter the Sun.[29][j] This is pairtly due tae the brichtness enhancement o the opposeetion effect; at quarter phase, the Muin is anly ane-tent as bricht, raither nor hauf as bricht, as at full muin.[96]

Addeetionally, colour constancy in the visual seestem recalibrates the relations atween the colours o an object an its surroondins, an acause the surroondin sky is comparatively daurk, the sunlit Muin is perceived as a bricht object. The edges o the full muin seem as bricht as the centre, wi no limm daurkenin, due tae the reflective properties o lunar sile, that reflects mair licht back taewart the Sun nor in ither directions. The Muin daes appear lairger whan close tae the horizon, but this is a purely psychological effect, kent as the Muin illusion, first descrived in the 7t century BC.[97] The full muin subtends an arc o aboot 0.52 (on average) in the sky, aboot the same apparent size as the Sun (see  Eclipses).

The heichest altitude o the Muin in the sky varies wi the lunar phase an the saison o the year. The full muin is heichest in winter. The 18.61-year nodes cycle an aa haes an influence: whan the ascendin node o the lunar orbit is in the vernal equinox, the lunar declination can gae as far as 28 ilk month. This means the Muin can gang owerheid at latitudes up tae 28 frae the equator, insteid o anerly 18. The orientation o the Muin's crescent an aa depends on the latitude o the observation steid: close tae the equator, an observer can see a smile-shaped crescent muin.[98]

While gravitation causes acceleration an movement o the Yird's fluid oceans, gravitational cooplin atween the Muin an Yird's solit bouk is maistly elastic an plastic. The result is a forder tidal effect o the Muin on the Yird that causes a bulge o the solit portion o the Yird nearest the Muin that acts as a torque in opposeetion tae the Yird's rotation. This "drains" angular momentum an rotational kinetic energy frae Yird's spin, slowing the Yird's rotation.[112][114] That angular momentum, lost frae the Yird, is transferred tae the Muin in a process (confusingly kent as tidal acceleration), that lifts the Muin intae a heicher orbit an results in its lawer orbital speed aboot the Yird. Sicweys the distance atween Yird an Muin is increasin, an the Yird's spin is slawin in reaction.[114] Measurements frae laser reflectors left in the Apollo missions (lunar rangin experiments) hae foond that the Muin's distance increases bi 38 mm (1.5 in) per year[115] (aboot the rate at that human fingernails growe).[116]Atomic clocks an aa shaw that Yird's day lenthens bi aboot 15 microseiconts ivery year,[117] slawly increasin the rate at that UTC is adjuistit bi leap seiconts.Left tae run its coorse, this tidal drag wad continue till the spin o Yird an the orbital period o the Muin matched, creautin mutual tidal lockin atween the twa. As a result, the Muin wad be suspendit in the sky ower ane meridian, as is awreidy currently the case wi Pluto an its muin Charon. Houiver, the Sun will become a reid giant engulfin the Yird-Muin seestem lang afore this occurrence.[118][119]

Eclipses can anerly occur whan the Sun, Yird, an Muin are aw in a straucht line (termed "syzygy"). Solar eclipses occur at new muin, whan the Muin is atween the Sun an Yird. In contrast, lunar eclipses occur at full muin, whan Yird is atween the Sun an Muin. The apparent size o the Muin is aboot the same as that o the Sun, wi baith bein viewed at close tae ane-hauf a degree wide. The Sun is muckle lairger nor the Muin but it is the precise vastly greater distance that gies it the same apparent size as the muckle closer an much smawer Muin frae the perspective o Yird. The variations in apparent size, due tae the non-circular orbits, are nearly the same as well, tho occurrin in different cycles. This maks possible baith total (wi the Muin appearin lairger than the Sun) an annular (wi the Muin appearin smawer than the Sun) solar eclipses.[122] In a tot eclipse, the Muin completely covers the disc o the Sun an the solar corona becomes vrrsible tae the nakit ee. Acause the distance atween the Muin an Yird is verra slawly increasin ower time,[112] the angular diameter o the Muin is decreasin. An aa, as it evolves thewarts becomin a reid giant, the size o the Sun, an its apparent diameter in the sky, are slawly increasin.[k] The combination o thir twa cheenges means that hunders o millions o years ago, the Muin wad alyeweys completely civer the Sun on solar eclipses, an no annular eclipses war possible. Likwise, hunders o millions o years in the futur, the Muin will no langer civer the Sun completely, an tot solar eclipses will nae occur.[123]

Acause the Muin's orbit aroond Yird is inclined bi aboot 5.145 (5 9') tae the orbit o Yird aroond the Sun, eclipses dae nae occur at ivery full an new muin. For an eclipse tae occur, the Muin must be near the intersection o the twa orbital planes.[124] The periodicity an recurrence o eclipses o the Sun bi the Muin, an o the Muin bi Yird, is describit bi the saros, that haes a period o approximately 18 years.[125]

Using the voice was a primary tool of the Fili, the Irish poets, not only to entertain but to give voice to the spirits, expressing divine wisdom and prophecy. Both blackberry and the other plant most associated with muin, are both used to make wine, whose intoxicating properties were in ancient times often associated with inducing prophetic verse.

Full Time FacultySenior Lecturer MBA in Finance, University of Northern Virginia, VA, USAB.Sc., in Accounting, Minnesota State University Moorhead, MN, USA Phone: +880-2-55668200 -1745 Email: muin.ahmed@northsouth.edu, ahmedmuin@gmail.com Office: NAC 772 ff782bc1db

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