I am using RSA For a public-key cryptosystem, and AES for symmetric-key cryptosystem. Every thing works fine, but I am not sure how to handle AES initialization vector. Currently, I am concatenating the AES key and initialization vector encrypting it with the public key and sending that to server.

Standards for this do exist. This scheme is called "KeyTransRecipientInfo" in CMS (upon which S/MIME is based), and PGP offers a similar mode. TLS also includes the initialization vector as a parameter in the key encryption algorithm identifier, using the same ASN.1 syntax as CMS. A robust, open-source library to perform this operation is available for many, many platforms.

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Somehow this movement input vector is being sent to the server from the client. I want access to it on the server without having to resend it from the client on every frame which would cause unnecessary network traffic. Is this possible through blueprint calls?

I looked through some of the engine code and it appears that this vector only exists on the executable belonging to the local player controller. I do not think this value gets replicated to the server.

Our goal for vecs is to provide an interface that lets Postgres + pgvector look and feel like a dedicated vector store. It works with any Postgres database (or platform) that supports pgvector.It was designed with ease-of-use, interactivity, and exploratory data analysis in mind, but works equally well as a search workhorse.

As usual, if you combine supabase/vecs with the rest of Supabase, you get more than the sum of the parts.Once you're happy with your vecs collection, you can make it accessible to your front-end through a supabase client library by exposing the collection as a viewin your public schema.

Currently, vecs is unopinionated about where vectors come from or how they're produced. While there will always be a need for generic vectorstorage and querying, it's becoming clear that text and image vectorization make up +95% of usage. That gives us the opportunity tostreamline those workflows for users.

If enabled, certificates must not be expired and must be issued by a trustedissuer. This verification operates in a hierarchical manner, checking that the leaf certificate (thecertificate presented by the client/server) is not only valid, but that the issuer of that certificate is also valid, andso on until the verification process reaches a root certificate.

Zoonotic Vector-Borne Diseases (VBDs) represent a relevant health issue for pets and humans. Italy is a major epidemiological hub for feline VBDs, because of suitable conditions for vector biology and disease transmission patterns. The present study investigated the exposure to major zoonotic arthropod-borne pathogens of cats in Italy, along with the evaluation of clinic-pathological features and a risk factor analysis. Out of 167 examined cats, 52 (31.1%) were seropositive for at least one vector-borne pathogen, being positivity for Bartonella henselae the most recorded (18%). Also, various cats seroreacted for Rickettsia felis (10.8%) and Rickettisa typhi (4.2%), Leishmania infantum (3%), Anaplasma phagocytophilum (2.4%) and Ehrlichia canis (2.4%). Forty-six cats were tested also for antibodies against D. immitis and two (4.3%) scored positive. The statistical analysis showed a positive association between flea infestation and seropositivity to B. henselae, other than an association between the administration of monthly ectoparasiticide treatments and seronegativity for Rickettsia spp.; seropositive cats were older than negative animals and the lifestyle (i.e. indoor vs outdoor) was not correlated with exposure to vector-borne pathogens. The majority of seropositive cats appeared clinically healthy or showed aspecific clinical signs. Around 80% of seropositive cats had one or more biochemical and/or complete blood count abnormalities. The present data confirm the endemicity of zoonotic feline VBDs in Italy and indicate that awareness on arthropod infections and transmitted pathogens should be kept high and possible implemented, towards the protection of animal and human health with adequate surveillance plans.

If you are using an older version of Weaviate, or otherwise unable to use gRPC, please use the v3 client, or the legacy instantiation method through the weaviate.Client class which is still available.

The insert_many function takes a list of DataObject instances or a list of dictionaries. This is useful if you want to specify additional information to the properties, such as cross-references, object uuid, or a custom vector.

The query submodule contains all object-level query operations, including fetch_objects for retrieving objects without additional search parameters, bm25 for keyword search, near_ for vector search operators, hybrid for hybrid search and so on.

Please be particularly aware that the batching algorithm within our client is not thread-safe. Keeping this in mind will help ensure smoother, more predictable operations when using our Python client in multi-threaded environments.

If you are performing batching in a multi-threaded scenario, ensure that only one of the threads is performing the batching workflow at any given time. No two threads can use the same client.batch object at one time.

If you use a browser to run the Python client with a Jupyter notebook, press Tab for code completion while you edit. If you use VSCode to run your Jupyter notebook, press control + space for code completion.

I suppose you could use the vector file to create a higher resolution png file.

Apart from that, perhaps you can use the vector file to apply the curves to the object and create real geometry from that?


The getStateVector method in y-leveldb is currently incomplete. Nevertheless, it could potentially save database-queries (e.g. computing the state-vector for sync-step-1 can be avoided even if it might lead to a bit more overhead).

With the diff-update feature, we can update the state vector in the database by simply merging all updates that come after the compacted state and then extracting the state-vector. I.e. if we have [compactedState, update1, update2], stateVector: sv0 in the database we first compact update1-2 compactedUpdates = Y.mergeUpdates([update1, update2]) and extract the stateVector sv12 = Y.getStateVectorFromUpdate(compacted) and write everything back to the database:

I plan to update the getStateVector method in leveldb to always retrieve the latest state vector. If the state is not compacted and the state-vector in the database is not up to date, the state-vector will be updated using the above approach.

Basically, Yjs has a struct store (containing all insertions) and a delete store (containing an optimized representation of all ids that have been deleted). We can compute a minimal diff for the struct store (using lamport timestamps). But the delete store is always sent to the other client when syncing.

You could send a snapshot instead. A snapshot consists of a state vector and a delete set. In theory, if the snapshot of doc1 equals doc2, then the documents are in sync. I think there are some edge cases when the delete set might not match, because the order in which it is written is non-deterministic (a state vector writes cliend-ids in decreasing order. A delete set writes client-ids in any order - but we can fix that).

If you follow the generic Ydb pattern: for each document that changed locally (whether server or client), you could ask the other peer to send a sync step 1 if it changed locally (introducing sync step 0). You should absolutely work around the normal sync protocol when syncing millions of documents. For live collaborating on a single document, it is great. But in your case you might focus on the big picture instead and optimize later. You could even request the complete document (no sync steps) without a big performance hit (This is how every other note editing app works). It would increase network traffic, but it would reduce database access.

The vector search collection type in OpenSearch Serverless provides a similarity search capability that is scalable and high performing. It makes it easy for you to build modern machine learning (ML) augmented search experiences and generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications without having to manage the underlying vector database infrastructure.

Because the vector engine for OpenSearch Serverless is powered by the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) search feature in OpenSearch, you get the same functionality with the simplicity of a serverless environment. The engine supports the k-NN OpenSearch API operations. With these operations, you can take advantage of full-text search, advanced filtering, aggregations, geospatial queries, nested queries for faster retrieval of data, and enhanced search results.

The vector engine provides distance metrics such as Euclidean distance, cosine similarity, and dot product similarity, and can accommodate 16,000 dimensions. You can store fields with various data types for metadata, such as numbers, Booleans, dates, keywords, and geopoints. You can also store fields with text for descriptive information to add more context to stored vectors. Colocating the data types reduces complexity, increases maintainability, and avoids data duplication, version compatibility challenges, and licensing issues.

Under Security, select Easy create to streamline your security configuration. All the data in the vector engine is encrypted in transit and at rest by default. The vector engine supports fine-grained IAM permissions so that you can define who can create, update, and delete encryptions, networks, collections, and indexes.

An index is a collection of documents with a common data schema that provides a way for you to store, search, and retrieve your vector embeddings and other fields. You can create and upload data to indexes in an OpenSearch Serverless collection by using an HTTP tool such as Postman or awscurl.

Set up LangChain to use OpenSearch as a vector store. LangChain is an open source framework for developing applications powered by language models. For more information, see the LangChain documentation. ff782bc1db

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