
Thank you very much for showing your interest to visit my site.

I am Mubin Ul Haque, from a very beautiful riverine country Bangladesh. Currently, a PhD student under the supervision of Professor M. A. Babar in School of Computer Science, The University of Adelaide.

I have completed my M.S. and B. Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am working as a Lecturer (Study Leave at present) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

I have a very strong passion for reading, whether it is a research publications, news articles or story books. I love to write short notes on various topics in my leisure times. I always love to learn new things related to computer science and new technology. Furthermore, I enjoy a lot to travel.

Recent News

  • March 2019:

  1. Invited to National University, Gazipur as a Resource person in the College Education Development Project Training Program . It was completely a new experience to train-up the ICT materials to non-ICT personnel. [Photos]

  2. Great news to share! My research Project "Novel Design of a Divider Circuit Using Artificial Intelligence Based Approach" has nominated for research grant from the University Grant Commission for the year 2018-19.

  • February 2019:

  1. Our research project "An Energy Efficient Counter Circuit Design to Reduce the Massive Power Dissipation" has got research fund from the Ministry of Science and Technology for the year 2018-19.

  2. The day long river cruise arranged by the Faculty of Engineering went well. [Snaps]

  • January 2019:

Went to India for study tour as departmental representative, guided 28 students nearly for three weeks. We visited different places like Kolkata, Agra, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Delhi, Shimla and Manali. Very few photos can be found here.

  • December 2018:

  1. Our research paper "High-Speed and Area-Effcient LUT-Based BCD Multiplier Design" has got acceptance in 4th IEEE WIECON, Pattaya, Thailand.

  2. Visited Cox's Bazar. A much needed break at the end of the year. [Photos]