2. Basic and Technical Muay Thai Training (3 Parts)

1. Guarding and foot movements

1. Standing and guarding

2. Forward – backward movements

3. Right step – Left step movements

4. Right – Left circular movements

2. Offensive Techniques (Muay Thai Weapons)

1. Punch techniques

2. Push kick techniques

3. Kick techniques

4. Knee techniques

5. Elbow techniques

6. Muay Thai weapon combinations

7. Close range wrestling techniques (wrestling and kneeing)

3. Defensive and Counter-Offensive Techniques (Counter Attacks)

1. Punch defence

2. Push kick defence

3. Kick defence

4. Knee defence

5. Elbow defence

6. Close rang wrestling defence (wrestling and kneeing defence)

7. Fighting strategies (training to counter various boxing styles)

Activities and equipment for Muay Thai practice

1. Running

2. Jump (skipping) rope

3. Shadow boxing

4. Pad boxing

5. Punch-bag boxing

6. Sparring (boxing and Muay Thai style)

7. Wrestling and kneeing

8. Defensive – offensive techniques; practice with a partner

9. Stretching and body exercise (body conditioning)

10. Physical fitness and practice with equipment

Professor Somboon Tapina