
Here we will talk about witch is the best pentagrams for each damage class (because supports are gonna use the optimal pentagrams for the area)

First of all, we will look into the Ruud skills and Skills Strenghtener (800+) as they are the main skills post level 400...

Dark Knight

The Ruud skills for the Dark Knight is the Fire Blow, and the Skill Strenghtener at level 800 is also to this skill... So Fire Pentagram is a no brainer.

It has skill Strenghtener for Rageful Blow (earth) and Blow (wind) aswell... Not so good tho...

Dark Wizard

For the Dark Wizard you have 2 options... Earth (for 2 Ruud skills) or Dark (PVP and Ruud Skill)

Agility Elf

For the Elf there is only one option... Wind Pentagram

Magic Gladiator

Melee: Fire or Water (both Ruud) Pentagrams Dark for Debuff Skill (All have Strenghtener)

Energy: Dark (Better) or Earth Pentagrams (Both Ruud) or Wind (AoE) (All have Strenghtener)

Dark Lord

Ruud Skill = Wind Pentagram -- No Brainer

Dark or Fire (Chaotic and Fire Burst) -- (Only with Strenghtener)


Fire or Water (both Ruud) Pentagrams

Wind (Only with Strenghtener)

Grow Lancer

Agility: Water Pentagrams

Strengh: Fire Pentagrams

Hybrid: Wind Pentagrams

Rage Fighter

Vitality: Earth

Agility: Darkness

Now you can check the best Pentagram combination for your party/character in the spreadsheet below

MU Online Elements