
Education: Ohio State University (Ph.D.), National Taiwan University (BS).

Recent Research interests: Risk Management; Financial Institutions; Catastrophe Risk; Climate Finance; Corporate Finance.

ScholarGPS Top Scholar:  in the areas of Insurance (Lifetime); Pacific Ocean Studies (Prior 5 years; 2024)

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Dr. Yu’s primary areas of research include risk management and financial institutions. His work has been published in leading journals across multiple fields, including insurance, finance, accounting, and operations management. According to Google Scholar, Dr. Yu’s scholarly contributions have been cited over 2,000 times. He has been recognized as a Top 0.5% Scholar by ScholarGPS in the areas of Insurance and Pacific Ocean studies. In addition, Dr. Yu serves as an associate editor for more than 10 academic and trade journals across banking, finance, and insurance disciplines. 

Dr. Min-Teh Yu                                                                                                    (updated 2024/03/15)

(A) Selected Journal Publications 

(B) Trade Journals in Banking and Finance

(C) Selected Conference Presentations and Proceedings

(more than 150 conference presentations and proceedings, frequently serve as keynote speaker, session chair and discussant)