Bake Sale

Calling all bakers! We need your help! Please sign up if you are willing to bake or buy items for Mountain View’s Holiday Fair Bake Sale to be held on December 1st, 2022 from 4:30 to 7:30 PM.

Please bring in your nut-free and M& M free baked goods to the school office between Wednesday November 30th and Thursday December 1st. You can also drop baked goods off at my house at 304 Hickory Street (SW corner of 4th and Hickory Streets).

Please note that M & M’s have a warning that they may contain peanuts and cannot be used in baked goods. Likewise, ingredients from the Bulk Barn may be cross-contaminated with nuts. We have multiple students with extremely severe nut allergies and must keep the school clear of nut contamination.

We welcome individually wrapped and priced items. If you do not have time to wrap your baked goods, please don’t worry, we will be happy to do it!