Expand Week # to see the Homework
Week 1
1. Write kid's first name in Tamil - 3 times (either in Handwriting book or in the notebook)
2. Write உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் (12) - 2 times ( Ask the kids to say it loud while writing)
3. Circle the நெடில் (long sound) with blue color and underline குறில் (short sound) with green color in உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் written above (pt. #2).
4. Reading Log - Practice reading உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள & ஆய்த எழுத்து from the Reading list – Week-1 with correct pronunciation. Record the Reading and upload in your homework folder.
5. Conversation log: என் குடும்பம் - Tell minimum two sentences about your family or about any person in the family in Tamil. They can say as many sentences as they want. Record the conversation and upload in your homework folder.
6. Learn lesson-1. Song will be asked in the class.
7. Kid can bring a toy (which can fit in their bag) for "show and tell". Kids have to say at least 2 sentences about their toy in Tamil.
8. Vocabulary to learn: உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் (vowels), மெய் எழுத்துக்கள்(consonants), ஆய்த எழுத்து, குறில்(short sound), நெடில்(long sound).
Week 2
1) Write kid's first name in Tamil - 3 times
2) Write உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் (12), மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் (18) - 2 times (Ask the kids to say it loud while writing)
3) Reading Log - Reading list – Week-2 க் to ன்(forward) and ன் to க் (reverse) with correct pronunciation. Record the Reading and upload in your homework folder.
4) Conversation log: Talk about their role-model in Tamil. Tell minimum two sentences about their role model in Tamil. They can say as many sentences as they want. Record the conversation and upload in your homework folder.
5) Learn அம்மா நல்ல அம்மா song and காந்தி தாத்தா song
6) Learn these words.
· உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் (அ to ஔ)
· மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் ( க் to ன்) and
· ஆயுத எழுத்து ( ஃ)
7) Ticket task: (kids will get a ticket if they learn these words)
a. Learn body parts in Tamil – head, shoulder, knees, toes, eye, ear, mouth, nose, face, hair and nails
b. Learn the following words
· வணக்கம் - Greetings
· சொல் - tell
· ஆசிரியர் - teacher
· பெற்றோர்-parent
· நண்பன் - friend
Project 1:
Project 1 is due on week 6 (9/20/2024). Tittle: எனக்குப் பிடித்த இடம். (Favorite place that you visited)
Week 3
1) Write kid's first name in Tamil - 3 times
2) Write உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் (12), மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் (18) - 1 time (Ask the kids to say it loud while writing)
3) Write உயிர் மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் - அ Series – 2 times ( Ask the kids to say it loud while writing)
க் + அ = க to ன் + அ = ன
4) Circle the உயிர் எழுத்துகள் (vowels), underline the மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் (consonants) and square the உயிர்மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் (vowel consonants) for the following words. உலகம், மரம், ஒட்டகம், பட்டம், கடல்.
5) Do pages 1,2 in Handwriting book
6) Please give a test (say random letters) to your kid in உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் and மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் and correct the answers. Please sign the answer sheet and include that as homework.
7) Reading Log - Reading list – Week-3 with correct pronunciation. Upload the recordings.
8) Conversation log: Talk about how to prepare their favorite food in Tamil. Say at least 4-5 sentences. They can say as many sentences as they want. Record the conversation and upload in your homework folder.
9) Learn the song – Vanakkam Solluvom song in Tamil along with action. Check the syllabus for the song. This will be asked in next week’s test
10) Read to kids 15 - 20 minutes per week
11) Students, learn a word and its meaning for any அகர வரிசை and உயிர்மெய் எழுத்து like க, ங, ச, ஞ... to tell in class next week.
Week 4
1) Write first name in Tamil – 2 times. (If the kid knows the first name then write the first and last name)
2) Write உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் (12), மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் (18) - 1 times (Ask the kids to say it loud while writing)
3) Write உயிர் மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் - ஆ Series – 1 times ( Ask the kids to say it loud while writing)
க் + ஆ = கா to ன் + ஆ = னா
4) Please give a test (say random letters) to your kid in உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் and மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் and correct the answers. Please sign the sheet and include that as homework.
5) Reading Log - Reading list – Week 3 and 4 with correct pronunciation. Record and upload in the homework folder.
6) Conversation Log: என்னைப் பற்றி (encourage them to talk for at least 1 min)
· Draw and color a picture of you or have a photo of you and answer these questions in conversational Tamil.
i. உன் பெயர் என்ன?
ii. உன் வயசு என்ன?
iii. உனக்கு படித்த நிறம் என்ன?
iv. உன்னுடைய hobby என்ன?
· This can also be an interactive talk between the student and a parent/friend.... One person asks the question and the student answers in Tamil (Help them to answer in full sentences). Record and upload in the homework folder.
7) Fill in the blanks with the correct குறில் (short sound) or நெடில் (long sound). Check the syllabus for the table.
8) Do pages 3, 4 in the Handwriting book.
9) Students, learn a word and its meaning for any ஆ Series உயிர் மெய் எழுத்துக like கா, ஙா … னா to tell in class next week.
Project 1:
Project 1 is due on week 6 (9/20/2024). Tittle: எனக்குப் பிடித்த இடம். (Favorite place that you visited). If they have completed the project, they can bring it next week.
Week 5
1. Write உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் (12), மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் (18) - 2 times
2. Please give a test (say random letters) to your kid in உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் and மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் and correct the answers. Please sign the sheet and include that as homework.
3. Write the Dictation List 1 – 2 times
4. Conversation Log - About your friend. What is his/her name? What do you like about your friend? What do you play? Record and upload.
5. Reading Log - Reading list – Week 5 with correct pronunciation. This is optional as we have a project next week. (It will be asked in the test, so read it at least one time)
6. Learn a word and its meaning for அand ஆ Series உயிர் மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் to share in class next week.
Project 1 is due next week (9/20/2024). Tittle: எனக்குப் பிடித்த இடம். (Favorite place that you visited). Kids need to bring their project next week.
Week 6
1. Write the first name in Tamil – 2 times.
2. Write உயிர் எழுத்துகள் (12), மெய் எழுத்துகள் (18) - 1 times (If the kid has homework pass, they can skip this)
3. Write உயிர் மெய் எழுத்துகள் - ஆ Series – 1 times ( Ask the kids to say it loud while writing)
a. க் + ஆ = கா to ன் + ஆ = னா
4. Do page-5 in Handwriting book
5. Fill in the blanks with the correct குறில் (short sound) or நெடில் (long sound). Check the syllabus for the words.
6. Reading Log - Reading list – Week 6 with correct pronunciation. Fill the details in the Reading log in the assigned Folder.
7. Conversation Log – Three wishes from Tooth Fairy. If the tooth fairy is planning to give 3 wishes to you, what do you ask and what do you do with that? Record and upload.
8. Watch these videos at home. We will be discussing it next week.
Video: Theme-Body Parts Session-2 Segment-1
Video: Theme- Body Parts Session-2 Segment-2
Week 7
1. Write the first name in Tamil – 2 times
2. Write மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் - 1 time (If they have homework pass (written in their note book on Week 7, they can skip it)
3. Write உயிர் மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் - அ & ஆ Series in the given format. From க் to ன்
4. Circle the உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் (vowels), underline the மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் (consonants) and square the உயிர்மெய் எழுத்துக கள் (vowel consonants) for the following words.
நாய், பாப்பா, கல், வட்டம், அப்பம், ஏன், ஈ.
5. Do page 6 in Handwriting book
6. Reading Log – Fill the details in the Reading log in the assigned Folder.
a. Reading list – Week 7 with correct pronunciation
b. Reading these sight words
· கல்
· கால்
· பல்
· பால்
· நகம்
· நாகம்
· படம்
· பாடம்
· வனம்
· வானம்
· மலர்
· அம்மா
· அப்பா
· தாத்தா
· மாமா
· வா
· மரம்
· என்ன
· பழம்
· யார்
7. Conversation Log – See the Video- Theme- Body Parts Session -2 Segment-3 in ITA website Under Resources -> Conversation videos by AKT. Do the conversation activity and upload the video.
8. Watch the video and be ready to tell the story or any questions related to the story in conversational Tamil. Video: Theme-Body Parts Session-2 Segment-2
Week 8
1. Do பயிற்சி -1 in exercise book
2. Do only கி – பி in page-8 in handwriting book
3. Write series இ series from க் + இ = கி to ப்+ இ = பி– 2 times
4. Learn Lesson 7 - பறவைப் பாசம். Learn the name of the birds and their sound. Use the questions from the attachment.
5. Reading Log – Fill the details in the Reading log in the assigned Folder.
a) Reading list – Week-9 with correct pronunciation
b) Lesson 7 - பறவைப் பாசம் – Say the name of the birds and their sounds
6. Conversation Log - Watch video: Theme-Birds Session-1 Segment-3. As teacher Kalah mentioned, discuss about it with your parents/ relations/ siblings and upload video/audio in your folder.
7. Watch the Video: Theme-Birds Session-2 Segment-1 & Video: Theme-Birds Session-2 Segment-2 (Please make sure the kids are watching it)
8. Learn new words and its meaning for these letters கி, சி, டி, ணி other than the book to tell in class.
Project 2: Due week 12 (11/8/2024)
Prepare for Project-2 -”எனக்குப்பிடித்தஉணவு” (My favorite food).
§ Kids can bring a toy of their favorite food or they can draw & color or cut & paste a picture of the food in a construction paper.
§ They need to tell 3 sentences about that food in Tamil.
§ what food is that
§ why the student likes it, and
§ one interesting fact about that food
Marks will be given based on their picture & how clearly kids say the sentences in Tamil.