Project Partners

La Forza Di Nemo

Founded in August 1961 by Federico Milcovich, UILDM– the Italian Union Fight Muscular Dystrophy - is the national association of reference for people with dystrophies and other neuromuscular diseases.

The Association 'La Forza di Nemo' is the Montecatini Terme section for Pistoia and its province.

The main objectives of “La Forza di Nemo” is to encourage the social inclusion of people with disabilities and promote scientific research and health information on progressive muscular dystrophy and other diseases neuromuscular/ neurodegenerative diseases.


The Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities (COCEMFE) was founded in 1980 with

the mission of coordinating the efforts of different entities in the search to guarantee and extend the rights of people with disabilities, specifically those affected by a physical or organic disability.

Within the confederation, but at a provincial organisational level, COCEMFE Seville is working on the same strategies and services to facilitate the social inclusion of people with physical and organic disabilities and to promote the active participation of the associations that make up the confederation in our geographical area located in the south of the country.

CrowdAid A.P.S. - Ente del Terzo Settore

CrowdAid is an association that operates in the field of international cooperation in favor of the populations of developing countries promoting economic, social, psychological, pedagogical and socio-health assistance, the protection of civil and fundamental rights, development sustainable from an environmental and energetic point of view, education and training, as well as any other form of assistance to people living in difficult conditions and extreme poverty. The association bases its activity on international cooperation and partnership in favor of people, communities and populations as a means for the affirmation of equal rights and opportunities and the achievement of peace and justice among peoples. is a crowdfunding platform designed exclusively for the world of cooperation and development. The goal is to respond quickly to those emergency situations, which very often are not dealt with promptly, due to the long time to release funds and funding. represents a showcase that brings together designers and cooperation experts, as well as individual citizens, allowing everyone to contribute to change the world.

Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria

The Association of Young Psychologists in Bulgaria

(AYPB) is a nongovernmental, non-profit professional organization representing psychology students and young psychologists in Bulgaria. Over 300 young psycholog

ists, students, PhD students and young specialists from throughout the country are members of the Association.

The Association is represented in any major university in Bulgaria teaching Psychology.