MTH objectives

Raise and implement public awareness of people with neurodegenerative diseases.

This project is designed to support, encourage and socially include these individuals, reducing the distance between their reality and the one we are used to.

Support and encourage the social inclusion of people with neurodegenerative social inclusion of people with neurodegenerative diseases.

Inclusion and appreciation of diversity has always been a cornerstone of European community values.

The creation of the “practical handbook of tips for good nutrition” will make it possible to strengthen social ties between people with

neurodegenerative diseases and civil society at mealtimes.

Since mealtimes represent a major obstacle in the daily lives of people suffering from these pathologies, the creation of a practical handbook

with advice on how to prepare meals, containing recipes suitable for such pathologies, is one of the best means of achieving the objective of social inclusion and valorisation of differences in the educational, training, youth and sports spheres.

Train the staff of partner organisations by developing specialised knowledge and soft skills in the field of neurodegenerative diseases.

The course will train 24 staff members of the partner associations in the development of competences in the field of special nutrition for people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases.

Six staffs will be trained for each partner association, with the exception of CrowdAid.

Staff training is the main priority of this project, as well as being one of the priorities of this European programme.

This objective will make it possible to develop the staff's skills and improve their knowledge of nutrition for patients suffering from these diseases.

In addition to the specialised training, it is planned to share the experiences of individual carers.

This activity will increase the soft skills of the associations' staff.