Mission Statement
Our mission is to support teachers as mathematicians and as social justice educators by building a community of mathematics professionals, providing classroom resources, and promoting problem solving and critical conversations. Following the lead of national organizations such as NCTM and TODOS Math, this mission stems from our beliefs that mathematics is a tool that can be used to analyze and challenge power, privilege, and oppression; and that mathematics must be part of a larger system of education that fully engages students in our democratic society.
Leadership Team
Kyle Evans, Assumption University
Megan Staples, University of Connecticut
Scott Kapralos, Capitol Region Education Council
Gina Rivera, Charter Oak International Academy
Advisory Board
Angela Boratko, Hartford Public Schools
Taryn DiSorbo, Cheshire Public Schools
Michelle McKnight, South Windsor Public Schools
Contact: mtc4socialjustice@gmail.com
National Math Circle Network
The Math Circle Network is affiliated with the American Institute of Mathematics, with almost 300 Math Circles located throughout the United States. Math Circles take different forms, such as professional learning communities of K-12 mathematics teachers and mathematicians, or after-school programs for students and families. The goal of all Math Circles is to enjoy problem-solving on rich mathematics tasks in a community setting, allowing mathematicians, teachers, students, and community members to learn together.
Visit the organization's website for more information and resources.
MTC4SJ is supported by the Associated Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut (ATOMIC), an organization whose mission is to "ensure that every Connecticut student receives world-class education in mathematics by providing vision, leadership and support to the K-16 mathematics community and by providing every teacher of mathematics the opportunity to grow professionally."
Visit the organization's website for more information, upcoming conferences and events, and resources.