back in time

A chronological list of events, results and general information

General information:

Conceit poetry of Kular Pyan Gyi; The Flying Indian

"ကတိုး၊ ကော့နှပ်၊ မော်လမြိုင်၊ ရန်ကုန်၊ သထုံ"

“Ga Doe, Kor Nat, Mawlamyine, Yangon, Thaton”

(Cities and villages of lower Burma where the boxer reigns. In fact: Ga Doe, spelled Ka Toe, and Kor Nat, spelled Kawt Hnat, are villages in Mawlamyine Township)

တိုင်းလုံးတုံတဲ့ ယောက်ျားတဲ့ဟိတ်

A man whose name shook the nation,

မိုးပေါ်မှာ နတ်သိကြား

Up in the sky is Sakra

(Lord of the Devas. Ruler of Trayastrimsa Heaven, one of the desired Kama Loka realms in the Realms of Existence)

လူ့ပြေမှာ ကုလားပျံ

But down here on Earth it’s Kular Pyan

ပျော့ရင် ဖယောင်း မာရင် သံချောင်း

Soft like candle wax, hardened like steel (Literally: metal rod)

လက်ခမောင်းနဲ့ အကြောင်းပါ

Gushed in the sounds of latkha maung (triumphant slapping)

ဒေါင်းပုဝါ ရင်မှာစီးပါလို့

A peacock cravat wrapped around the chest

သေလျှင်မြေကြီး ရှင်လျှင်ရွှေထီး

Buried if you die, under a golden umbrella if you live

ပုလဲအရောင်မမှိန် သူရဲအောင်စိန်

A hero’s bravery as the shine of a vibrant pearl (Specifically: not fading)


A gold coin devoid of impurities

ဒါကြောင့်မို့ လူတွေသုံးတဲ့ကုလားပျံပါဘဲခင်ဗျား။

That is why, the people admire Kular Pyan.

ဝါးမှာတရေ လူမှာယောကျ်ား

In bamboo it’s “Ta-Yay”, in human it’s “Man”

(“Ta-Yay” is old poetry – unknown meaning, perhaps a species or character of said bamboo / in the human realm, man is most powerful. In direct translation, for “in human” visualize “Manussa domain”, the realm of human existence)

ပျံလေတဲ့ငှက်ခါး၊ နားခါမှသိမယ်--

You’ll know about the Indian Roller only when it rests—

(A metaphor; you will know Kular Pyan when you see / meet him. Kular Pyan translates to The Flying Indian and The Indian roller bird is known for aerobatic feats, perhaps alluding to the boxer’s swiftness)

အရွယ်တူရင်သံကျောက်၊ ချိုပေါက်မှ ကြောက်မှာ

Like iron when of equal stature, be fearful if horns grow

(When opponents are of equal size and strength they might as well be ‘Tham Kyauk’ (iron), yet one should take caution when horns grow; referring to the evolution of / hidden skills of one of the boxers. They in turn will have the upper hand)


Look carefully,

ကြည့်လေ ယဉ်လေ၊ အေးလေ ခင်လေပါ့။

Gentle with a gaze, friendlier with a stare

(Implies the nature and appearance of Kular Pyan is tender and will only appear more friendly / handsome etc. the longer you look at him)

ကျွန်တော့် လေပိုတွေမသုံးတော့ပါဘူး

Enough with the unnecessary talk (Literally: wasting air)

ဝိုင်းတော်နေပရိသတ်များ ကျေနပ်အောင်

To satisfy the audience around the ring,

ထိုးပြမဲ့၊ ကုလားပျံအစစ်ပါဘဲ

Fighting will be the real Kular Pyan

ကိုင်းဆရာ 'လေးလုံးသံ ခြောက်ပေါက်နဲ့ ဘယ်မြှောက်လို့ပို့စမ်း....'

Hey Sayar! “Raise your hands and start the Six Beats with Four Tones.”

(Refers to a particular pre-fight melody played by the Hsaing waing, the traditional Burmese orchestra present at ringside)




Translations provided by Aung Kyaw Thu / Htike Aung Kyaw / Saw Myo Min Hlaing


No news coverage found


February 27 - [Myanma Alinn] Report on a Sule Pagoda festival, celebrating its renovation with new gold leaves. Among other activities, it says that from February 28 to March 2 well known boxers will participate in charity boxing matches from 10am to 4pm. The article does not clarify which type of boxing it is.

October - [Thuriya] Via Thein Maung. A Facebook post highlights two images taken from the archives of the Thuriya (The Sun) newspaper.

The first image it shows first class boxers Pyi Taw Pyan, Layaung, Kular Pyan & Ba Ae, who will be competing for Chief Justice U Ba's Cup on Sunday.

(Surrounding posts on Facebook show images from October 17, 1931. It may be possible the images described above are from the next day, which is a Sunday. This is assumption.)

In the second image it shows Kular Pyan (left) facing Ba Aye for a photo op. The header reads "Kular Pyans wings are broken" while the caption mentions that Kular Pyan lost and Ba Ae won.

Event overview:

  • Chief Justice U Ba's Championship 1931 (Unspecified location)


General information:

December 20 - [Thuriya] The first mention is made of the upcoming event at Hare Krishna Pilay Hall on the corner of Montgomery Street and Stockade Road in Rangoon, at the behest of boxing enthusiasts U Thein Maung and U Tun Yin, Chairman of the Myanmar Bus Development Association. It mentions Bala Sein as a well-known boxer who is participating in the event under the auspices of Minister of Home Affairs U Ba.

(Montgomerie and Stockade was where now Bogyoke Road and Thein Phyu Road meet around 45th street.)

December 22 - [Thuriya] With the upcoming event at Hare Krishna Palay Hall on Saturday and Sunday (December 24, 25), a letter is featured from a Burmese boxing fan. They explain the difference between English- and Burmese boxing and wish that it would get an equal amount of support as the other boxing systems around the world by way of giving awards and trophies. The author is concerned that otherwise Burmese boxing would slowly vanish and we won't be seeing the bravery of the Myanmar people anymore. The newspaper editor adds that they hope for and believe in the reformation of the Burmese boxing system, starting with the upcoming event.

December 23 - [Thuriya] A similar theme to yesterday's issue of Thuriya. The somewhat messy structure of the article makes it unclear on who is suggesting these points. The suggestions given by this author are reproduced in full:

"I think it would be nice to consider these facts before 10 AM on the day of the Myanmar Boxing Match. As stated in Thursday’s issue of the Thuriya Newspaper, I would like to humbly request all Myanmar Boxing enthusiasts to consider, prepare and manage these points as much as possible;

Should there be flaws in the suggestions stated above, do feel free to point them out and amend them."

A second article with a separate title announced the boxing event organised by Minister of Home Affairs U Ba. It says that the matches will happen at Hare Krishna Palay Hall at noon this Saturday and Sunday. It then lists all the boxers competing (note for future results that Bala Sein, Ba Sein and B.A. Sein are different boxers and not misspellings):

Bala Sein, Paw Sa, Doe Phyu Kalay, Min Gaung, Phyu Kalay, Kyar Aye Sein, Aung Zeya, Moe Pyan, Pauk Kyaw, Boe Tol, Sein Dway, Ba Sein, Boe Yone, Aye Sein, Sein Kalay, Tun Wai, Yar Phyat, Pauk Kyaw, Bo Kalay, Sein Chit, Win Yaw Sein, Sein Myaing, Thar Chaw, Pyi Taw Pyan, B. A. Sein, Yar Kyar, Pyi Thein, Chit Phyu, Saung Taw Kuu, Aung Ba La, Bo Kay Sein, Sein Kalay, Motor Car, Htway Sein, A Din, Pyit Taing Htaung, Aye Wan, Hla Kalay, Aung Sein, Hla Hmway.

The article is then signed by U Thein Maung.

December 24 - [Thuriya] By far the most satisfying articles are featured in this issue. Two photographs are shown. One with all first class boxers who will compete starting from today (currently set as header to this page), and another with all second and third class boxers who will compete. Only the ones in first class are named; From Left to Right (Those Sitting) – Phyu Lay, Bala Sein, Pyi Taw Pyan and Paw Sa, (Those Standing) – Doe Phyu Kalay, Kyar Aye Sein, Yin Lone and Phyu Lay Pyan. It then says that "Unlike the usual boxing matches, in this event, boxers would have to box on the stage and the audience would be able to view from the front while sitting in chairs. As the stadium is huge, the viewers do not have to jostle or push around to view the matches." The boxers who have arrived in Rangoon so far are divided into these three classes:

A second article features a column written by (M) Boe Chain, author of "Reforming the Myanmar Boxing System." He brings forth the following advice for the upcoming events:

December 26 - [Thuriya] Today's feature has a photograph featuring last years champions defending their honour in this years contest for Home Affairs Minister U Ba's cup and medals. They are first class champion Pyi Taw Pyan and second class champion Sein Dway. The fights today are held at Hare Krishna Palay Hall. U Ba himself and Municipal Mayor U Satt joined other local dignitaries to watch the matches.

The article says that on Saturday December 24 five fights ended in KO, and 4 of them ended in a tie. It lists Pyi Taw Pyan and Phyu Lay (I assume it is Phyu Lay Gyi) specifically and also mentions they will rematch in the near future:

First class

It goes on to mention that each day has 7 matches and extra fights may happen only when those 7 have concluded and time is left. There will be no fights today (Monday). It then describes and lists the results of the fights that were previously held (It does not specify whether it's Saturday, Sunday or a combination thereof, though I suspect it's Sunday). No classes are mentioned except for first class:

First class

Remaining matches:

December 27 - [Thuriya] A small article only gives the matches for today and tomorrow.

Today (Tuesday)

First class

Second class

Third class:

Tomorrow (Wednesday)

First class

Second class

Third class:

December 28 - [Thuriya] The news starts off mentioning that Minister of Home Affairs U Ba and administrators of these Burmese Boxing events U Thein Maung (Ohn Khaing) and U Tun Yin attended the matches. Wun Htauk Minister U Ba Yee was there to award a 10 Kyats prize to Kyar Aye Sein for defeating Paw Sa. Matches yesterday were part of the tournament to win U Ba's cup and medal. It says that those fights were the first of its kind, which makes me wonder how much different it is to last years Cup and medal winning matches (see December 26). It seems that even at full time, most boxers admitted defeat if their opponent was too powerful.

Before announcing the results, it lists the matches for today:

First class

Second class

Third class:

Potential challenge match:

The reason for the challenge match was the fact that Pyi Taw Pyan was angry with Kyar Aye Sein and the way he won his match (Striking his downed opponents forehead with an elbow while the referee was stepping in to pull them apart). Pyi Taw Pyan stormed into the ring to challenge him, a person he disliked even before all of this took place, to a fight until death without referees.

The results for yesterdays matches:

First class:

(This fight was only 2 rounds perhaps due to time constraints, and played as the final match. It was initially scheduled for today but the audience demanded they fight yesterday.)

Second class:

Third class:

Kyar Sai (Intermediate match):

December 29 - [Thuriya] A lengthy tribute to Pyi Taw Pyan and hilarious description of his fight with Kyar Aye Sein. The feature is topped by two photographs. Yin Lone is pictured with the subtitle telling us he lost to Bala Sein. Phyu Lay Pyan is also pictured, and the subtitle tells us he lost to Phyu Lay Gyi. Before announcing the results from yesterday, it mentions that there are no fights today or on Friday. They will continue on Saturday and Sunday.

First class

Second class

(Ba Sein will be awarded for his courage of fighting a larger opponent, on the award giving day)

Third class:

Challenge match:

December 30 - [Thuriya] The article today explains that due to it's limited capacity, the Hare Krishna Pilay Hall will no longer be used. Instead, the final two days will be held at the Jubilee Hall on December 31 and January 1. It then lists the Championship matches for Saturday:

First class

Second class


The winners in first and second class will face each other on Sunday in the finals. In addition third class finals will have:

Third class

Eventual champions will be given awards by Home Affairs Minister, His Excellency (U Ba) himself.

December 31 - [Thuriya] Five quality photographs are printed in today's paper. Phyu Lay Gyi and (1931 champion) Pyi Taw Pyan, (1931 champion) Sein Dway and Chit Phyu & Bala Sein. The article repeats that the event has moved to the bigger Jubilee Hall due to limited capacity at the previous venue on the corner of Montgomerie and Stockade. The semi-final matches are also reprinted (see December 30).

Event overview:

  • Minister of Home Affairs U Ba's Championship 1932. Hare Krishna Pilay Hall / Jubilee Hall (Rangoon)


January 3 - [Thuriya] Via Thein Maung. An article that highlights that Bala Sein has won a gold medal this past Sunday (January 1) at Rangoon Jubilee Hall and that Minister of Home Affairs U Ba presented the prizes himself. It is accompanied by an image showing 1932 champion Bala Sein and 1932 second-class champion Chit Phyu. The paragraph following the image only explains the willingness of U Thein Maung (Oane Khine) to prevent Burmese boxing from disappearing into obscurity by inviting famous boxers to compete at his events.

Only a section of the article was shared and discussed, results were omitted.

January 3 - [Thuriya] Via Thein Maung. A large feature on a boxing event held to fund the growth of Rangoon Myoma National High School at the York Street Festival Theatre (Down the road from Jubilee Hall, now called Yaw Min Gyi Street), led and opened by U Thein Maung (Oane Khine) and U Ba Dunn. It specifically says U Ba’s Cup will not be contested for. The feature is accompanied by an image of boxers performing a traditional Don dance.

Kular Pyan had previously suffered a fracture and it is unsure whether he can compete. If he is able, his opponent will be Shwe Kyi Nyo’s elder brother Shwe Kha Yin. If he is unable Shwe Kha Yin will be fighting with Lay Yin Pyan. The remaining matches are:

Special Boxing Fight Series

(A date cannot be seen in the image itself, instead it was dated in the comment posted with the image)

January 26 - [Myanma Alinn] The results for an event at King Carnival Stadium along Dalhousie Street in Rangoon on January 25 are presented in full detail. The headline underscores that Pyi Taw Pyan and Kyar Aye Sein wish to face famous English boxers George Goudie and Kid D'Silva respectively. It also mentions Bala Sein attending, but it does not make clear if he competed. 

The rounds for the Burmese boxing matches were 5 minutes, so many boxers complained that 3 minutes would be better. Results from the event are as follows:

First class

Second class

Remaining matches:

April - [Myanma Alinn - art] In a special Thingyan issue the art of Maung Hla is printed, dated 1932. Presumably it shows two men at the conclusion of an altercation. One of them has balled fists, while the other lay unconscious. The subtitle describes aptitude / physical ability (martial prowess).

April 20 - [Singapore Free Press] A small article tells of an event at King Carnival Stadium in Rangoon hosting both English and Burmese boxing. Only English boxing is discussed, the main attraction being Kid D'Silva vs. Battling Guillermo.

Event overview:

  • Festival Theatre (Rangoon)
  • Jubilee Hall (Rangoon)
  • King Carnival, Dalhousie Rd. (Rangoon)


No news coverage found


May 4 - [Myanma Alinn] Very extensive coverage of the opening day on May 2 at Kandawgyi lake for the 25th anniversary of King George's accession. The feature is topped by two photographs, one featuring Bo La Yaung facing Kular Pyan and another with Sein Dway facing Pauk Kyaw.

The article starts off mentioning the enthusiastic Hsaing-circle drummer who's chants of "Yauk-kyar, yauk-kyar!" gave the audience a great laugh (The chant translates to "get him, man!"). The boxers here will compete for a gold medal. A tied game will earn 1 point whereas a winning game will earn 2 points in a contest that will last a maximum of 4 rounds. No further details on the set-up of this "tournament" are given. 

Each match is described in detail, the description omitted here for orderliness. A total 7 matches were contested on the first day:

First class

(In the description it lists a previous fight of Htee Lat with Pyi Taw Pyan in Apaung (Mon). No clear result was given for that match)

Second class

Third class:

(After the match Me Kalay successfully challenged Chit Aye)

Boxers who arrived that day and are scheduled to fight today showed off their skills individually to the audience. The article then lists the matches for May 4: (This could also be May 3rd, depending on when the article was written as opposed to published since it says "The matches for today")

First class

Second class

Third class:

May 7 - [Thuriya] A reporter is covering the festivities for the 25th anniversary of King George's accession at Kandawgyi lake. After seeing the boat races, the boxing grounds are visited. Three of the best matches that day are listed (he does not mention which day):

Event overview:

  • 25th Anniversary accession King George (Kandawgyi, Rangoon)


No news coverage found


No news coverage found


No news coverage found


April 10 - [Myanma Alinn] 

1920 - 1929     1940 - 1949  >